设计追溯中国美学的精神源点,强调归返内心、重视生命的诗意安放,用当代的设计语言,去还原中国式生活的场所记忆。传统的中国古典园林,幽境于形,纳自然之精华;神韵于心,思宇宙之无穷。每一处景致皆是诗画江山,皆寓文人情怀。植入儒学思潮演义,以儒学之道演绎仁境、礼境、义境三境空间。借鉴古人,立意、布局、运笔、色彩、线条,形成独特的文人画审美特征。梳理和汲取中国古代园林的山水意境,运用现代的设计手法及中式古典的造景理念寄情于山水,打造中式现代别致雅居。从立面到构件,从规划到巷道,皆在传统肌理上融合出新,通过充满标签化的新中式风格,升级院落场景和居住体验,带来真正属于现代人的诗意栖居,让中式人居美学于此回归在景观整体设计上以“九巷一弄 三园一湖”为结构,借用网师园空间布局,以起承转合进行空间转换,北院南用,北方皇家的门第府邸结合南方园林的造园手法,打造具有东方礼仪的园林景观。府门之上,五进承启东方礼序。
The project is located next to the East 2nd Ring Road of Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, with superior value. Relying on the 1200 Mu Liangfeng ecological park, it has abundant oxygen. With convenient transportation, within the radius of 2 km living radiation around the plot, there are complete supporting facilities such as education, parks and commerce.
Design traces back to the spiritual source of Chinese aesthetics, emphasizes returning to the heart, attaches importance to the poetic placement of life, and restores the place memory of Chinese life with contemporary design language. The traditional China's classical gardens are in the shape of the natural environment and the essence of nature. Every scene is a landscape of poetry and painting, which embodies the feelings of literati. It is embedded in the romance of Confucianism, and the way of Confucianism is used to deduce the space of benevolence, ceremony and righteousness. Drawing lessons from the ancients, the unique aesthetic characteristics of literati painting are formed by conception, layout, brush, color and line. Combing and absorbing the landscape artistic conception of ancient Chinese gardens, using modern design techniques and Chinese classical landscaping concept, we hope to create Chinese modern and unique elegant residence. From facade to component, from planning to roadway, they all integrate new traditional texture. Through the new Chinese style full of labels, they upgrade the courtyard scene and living experience, and bring the poetic dwelling that truly belongs to modern people, so that the Chinese living aesthetics can return here. In the overall landscape design, they are "nine alleys and one lane" With the structure of "three gardens and one lake", the space layout of Wangshi garden is borrowed, and the space transformation is carried out by starting, connecting and combining. The northern courtyard is used in the south, and the northern royal residence is used in the south. Combined with the gardening techniques of Southern gardens, the garden landscape with Oriental etiquette is created. Above the gate of the mansion, the five entrances carry forward the eastern ritual.
项目名称:张家港建发 • 泱誉
项目面积:51998 ㎡
景观单方成本:示范区 1200 元 / ㎡,大区 450 元 / ㎡
更新日期:2021-03-16 17:19:00
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