Yingcai Primary School, situated in Mianyang Science and Technology City New District, Sichuan Province, is a newly established public institution designed to accommodate approximately 2,400 students. Occupying a triangular 24,000 m² site with 37,000 m² of built floor area, the campus is bordered by residential developments to the west and urban thoroughfares to the southeast and northeast. Its irregular geometry, stringent functional requirements, and dense urban context posed significant design challenges, positioning it as a flagship project for the district.
▼校园鸟瞰Campus aerial view
The establishment of Mianyang Science and Technology City New District introduced heightened expectations for the project. As a pioneering educational institution within the district, the school serves as a prototype for future campus typologies, demanding both high-caliber solutions to local enrollment needs and an architectural expression emblematic of the district’s innovative identity.
The façade design draws inspiration from the sinuous morphology of Mianyang’s Fujiang River, abstracted into horizontal linear elements. Contemporary detailing interweaves these motifs to evoke the technological ethos of the science and technology district.
▼概念草图 Concept sketch
▼操场上看教学楼 Viewing the teaching building from the playground
▼教学楼立面Facade of the teaching building
Urban Strategy
The site is situated at the intersection of Bajiao North Road and Baiyang Road in Mianyang City, characterized by a roughly triangular footprint. Bajiao North Road, functioning as a secondary urban arterial, directly links to the city’s expressway and accommodates high traffic volumes. In response to the context, the design strategically locates the sports field at the road junction. This configuration establishes a buffer between the educational facilities and the intersection, mitigating noise disruption from urban traffic. The building’s setback further alleviates congestion at the crossroads while maintaining a harmonious relationship with the surrounding urban fabric, avoiding visual or spatial encroachment. Additionally, the architectural massing aligns with the existing urban grain to the west, creating a graduated skyline that slopes downward from west to east, reinforcing the area’s contextual continuity.
▼设计生成 Design process
▼从城市道路看学校 Viewing the school from the city street
▼校园入口 Campus entrance
Joyful Learning Street Yard
To maximize student activity space, an elevated "Dynamic Spine" bridges academic and auxiliary zones while maintaining direct connectivity between the playground and teaching courtyards via ground-level circulation, forming a three-dimensional "street-yard" spatial hierarchy. Arched colonnades rhythmically articulate the spine, reinforcing its role as a primary circulation axis while creating a visually engaging nocturnal streetscape.
▼与操场联系的架空层 Elevated floor connected to the playground
▼活力街道与拱券元素 Vibrant street integrated with arch elements
▼傍晚的教学楼 The teaching building at dusk
The 4.8m-wide Dynamic Spine functions as a continuous communal interface across all academic levels. Transitioning from classroom corridors, users enter this open public realm where vertical circulation transcends conventional staircases—outdoor ramps and terraces integrate movement with social interaction, transforming vertical transit into participatory spaces. This seamless spatial continuity supports experimental pedagogic models.
▼不同标高活动空间的竖向联系Vertical connectivity between activity spaces at different elevations
Ground connections are achieved through entrance plazas with grand staircases and stadium-facing bleachers. This configuration enables multi-level ingress/egress to alleviate peak-hour congestion while providing expedited access between upper floors and athletic facilities. The bleacher-stair hybrid doubles as an informal gathering space, fostering student engagement.
▼入口大台阶的立体分流 Three-dimensional diversion at the grand entrance staircase
▼联系二层与操场的看台Viewing platform connecting the second floor with the playground
▼学生们在看台上玩耍 Students are playing on the viewing platform
Strategic angular shifts in building massing optimize courtyard openness and circulation efficiency. Skyward-oriented "Topographic Sculptures" within courtyards conceal subterranean skylight systems, balancing underground ventilation/illumination with playful formal gestures that hint at layered spatial experiences.
▼校园宽阔的后院 The spacious backyard of the campus
All-Function Complex
Reconciling programmatic density with site constraints drove the design’s vertical intensification strategy. Strict footprint limitations necessitated three-dimensional expansion: upward for covered play areas and agricultural plots; downward for a thermostatic swimming pool, NBA-standard basketball courts, and badminton courts. Suspended slabs adapt to site topography, ensuring natural ventilation and daylight penetration for subterranean sports venues.
▼剖透视图 Sectional perspective view
A tri-level access system (ground floor, second floor, suspended floor) creates multi-layered entry points typical of urban complexes, optimizing crowd distribution. Within the constrained footprint, the program includes a 600-seat auditorium, 50m Olympic pool, three basketball courts, five badminton courts, 1,200-capacity dining hall, and classrooms for 2,400 students—a testament to spatial efficiency. Ground-floor elevator lobbies and underground parking enable community access during non-school hours for competitions and events.
▼地下空间 Underground space
▼联系不同场地标高的后院台阶 Backyard steps connecting various site elevations
▼风雨操场立面 Facade of the covered playground
▼教学楼局部 Part of the academic building
Ecological Campus
Terraced sky courtyards cascade across multiple levels, interconnected by exterior stairways to form a stratified "Stacked Yard System" addressing diverse functions: pedagogy, recreation, hospitality, athletics, and horticulture. This vertical greening strategy alleviates ground-level activity pressures, liberating surface areas for enhanced landscape integration.
▼层层退台及丰富的竖向联系 Tiered terraces with extensive vertical connectivity
▼城市街道看校园入口 Viewing the campus entrance from the city street
Aerial platforms host 48 modular "Cultivation Plots"—one per classroom—for agricultural education and gardening. These elevated gardens synergize with ground-level landscapes to create an integrated ecological network, amplifying campus biodiversity.
▼屋面“试验田” Rooftop test field
▼傍晚校园鸟瞰 Aerial view of the campus at dusk
更新日期:2025-02-25 15:51:08
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