公司: | BOV Estudio | 类型: | 景观 |
地区: | 西班牙 | 标签: | 公共空间 |
Plaza del Zarrón is envisioned as a space for everyone, addressing the natural flow and needs of all citizens in Almazán. By focusing on the wall and the old quarter and observing the movement of its inhabitants, we aimed to create a fluid and inclusive link between the old town and the newer areas, bridging the five-meter elevation difference that previously acted as a barrier. This project prioritizes accessibility and connection, allowing everyone to freely move between parts of the town that were once separated. The lines and folds of the new Plaza del Zarrón reflect the town's pulse and offer various pathways, routes, and spaces for each user to experience without hindrance. This public space weaves together Almazán's historical roots and contemporary life, where the freedom of each individual—whether walking, resting, or socializing—is at the heart of its design.
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Zarrón 广场的设计将高程变化平滑地分布在其表面,创造了一系列倾斜的曲折平台,确保所有人的可达性。沿着这条主路,平坦区域出现,在较大的广场内形成小广场。这些较平坦的区域提供了有利位置,每个位置都有独特的朝向,可以捕捉不同的景色和光线,鼓励人们探索和休息。这些内部广场将容纳座位、树木和重新安置的 Zarrón 雕塑,提供聚会和反思的空间。较小的壁龛和台阶可作为非正式的座位区,方便人们聚会和社交,而精心规划的几何布局有助于缓和斜坡,提高可达性。这种复杂的布置源于精确的几何研究,可以高效利用资源并确保顺利执行,从而为所有人打造一个实用而温馨的空间。
The design of Plaza del Zarrón distributes the elevation change smoothly across its surface, creating a series of sloping, zigzagging platforms that ensure universal accessibility. Along this main path, flat areas emerge, creating small plazas within the larger square. These flatter areas offer vantage points, each uniquely oriented to capture different views and light, encouraging exploration and rest. These inner plazas will house seating, trees, and the relocated Zarrón sculpture, offering spaces for gathering and reflection. Smaller alcoves and steps serve as informal seating areas and make it easy for people to gather and socialize, while the thoughtfully planned geometric layout helps soften inclines to enhance accessibility. This complex arrangement, born from a precise geometric study, allows efficient resource use and ensures smooth execution, resulting in a functional and welcoming space for all.
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每年 5 月 17 日,阿尔玛桑都会庆祝圣帕斯夸尔·拜隆节,伴随着传统的 Zarrón 舞蹈,这是一项以其地区旅游价值而闻名的节日。从历史上看,这次庆祝活动以在主广场上显眼展示的 Zarrón 雕塑为特色。通过将其搬迁到 Zarrón 广场,我们象征性地将阿尔玛桑的历史精髓与其现代生活联系起来。这座雕塑的新位置使它见证了城市和公民空间之间的一种新统一,连接了传统和创新。现在,舞蹈、节日和公民生活将在 Zarrón 广场内交织在一起,与主广场和老城墙无缝连接。
Each year on May 17, Almazán celebrates San Pascual Bailón, accompanied by the traditional Zarrón dance—a festivity recognized for its Regional Tourist Interest. Historically, this celebration featured the Zarrón sculpture prominently displayed in the Plaza Mayor. By relocating it to the Plaza del Zarrón, we symbolically link Almazán's historical essence with its modern-day life. The new placement of this sculpture allows it to witness a new kind of unity between urban and civic spaces, bridging tradition and innovation. Now, dances, festivities, and civic life will intertwine within the Plaza del Zarrón, connecting seamlessly to the Plaza Mayor and old town walls.
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扎隆广场 (Plaza del Zarrón) 选用与阿尔马桑 (Almazán) 传统美学相呼应的材料,将城镇遗产与当代设计融为一体。我们使用了陈旧的混凝土铺路砖、木材和金属格子,灵感来自该镇历史悠久的锻造和木工。陈旧的混凝土尤其呼应了老城区的色调和纹理,加强了新广场和历史区域之间的视觉连续性。铺路布局由 8x8 和 16x16 板组成,定义了广场的运动、聚会和休息区域,通过微妙的材料过渡增强了可达性。座位区在广场内部广场内经过精心布置,与铺路网格对齐。大小不一的木制长椅和靠背设计让人们可以自由坐下,增强了空间互动和放松的灵活性。
The Plaza del Zarrón harmonizes the town's heritage with contemporary design by selecting materials that resonate with Almazán's traditional aesthetic. We used aged concrete pavers, wood, and metal lattices inspired by the town's historic forges and carpentry. The aged concrete, in particular, echoes the tones and textures of the old town, reinforcing visual continuity between the new plaza and the historic areas. The paving layout, composed of 8x8 and 16x16 slabs, defines the square's areas for movement, gathering, and rest, enhancing accessibility through subtle material transitions. The seating areas are strategically arranged within the plaza's inner squares, aligning with the paving grid. Wooden benches of varying sizes and backrest designs invite people to sit freely, enhancing the space's flexibility for interaction and relaxation.
▽平面图,genaeral plan
▽位置平面图,site plan
Project name: Zarrón Square
Company name: BOV Estudio
Contact e-mail:
Project location: Almazán, Soria (Spain)
Completion Year: 2023
Building area (m²): 1.380,00 sqm
Photo credits: Javier Bravo
更新日期:2024-12-20 16:00:20
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