Intrigued by the big question on how to adapt tropicality in postmodernism's sprawling urban context, this project was meant to be an empty canvas of experimentation on how we can apply basic tropical passive design in an uncommon manner.
被动设计实验室展现了简单的理念如何决定空间布局。设计的基本目标是将室内的微气候降低4摄氏度,同时在所有窗户关闭的同时保持湿度和空气流速。项目采用多个重叠的空隙空间,确保精准的自然通风,垂直交通选择平缓坡道,并通过在底部设置反射池(低温,高气压,高湿度)和三重堆叠的天窗,采用铝制带通风口的框架(高温,低气压, 低湿度),强烈的被动气流确保热空气24小时不断释放水分,垂直流向通风口。
The Passive Design Lab is a prototype of how a simple idea can bend and dictate how the space is arranged. The basic premise is to reduce the interior's micro climate by 4 Celsius degrees, while maintaining humidity and air velocity while all the active windows were closed. The project employs multiple overlapped void spaces ensure the natural ventilation works accurately, gentle ramp were chosen as vertical circulation method as it was also served as wind chimney by having reflective pool underneath (low temperature, high air pressure, high humidity) and triple volume with stacked skylight with aluminium airflow opening as frame (high temperature, low air pressure, low humidity), extreme passive airflow ensure the continuation of hot air releasing water and flows vertically toward the opening 24 hours.
Extreme approach of exterior vs interior Facade, building was articulated for not only minimize direct sunlight throughout the year, but it also maximizes privacy by controlling the angle of opening from outside while maintaining maximum view from inside. The surrounding façade acted as the first layer of high sun thermal - radiation double volume space buffer, before entering any large glass opening, thus ensuring low thermal entering the habitable rooms, It openly shares material of its making, raw boardcast concrete and steps of raw unorganized garden.
A functional Structure as façade, brutalism of the structure acted as open canvas for shadow play from the brutalism of surrounding vegetation to create the ever-changing façade experience. Internal share wall structure acts as a buffer for multi-dimensional transition space that is also made from being shared to semi-private to private, alternated by vegetation.
Balconies and swimming pools are carved into the primary form of the building rather than protruding outwards. This method of deduction provides welcome shade and panoramic vantage points to the lush garden, whilst remaining cleverly concealed from the outside.
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Green roof applied to maximise rainwater harvesting recycled for irrigation, while helping to reduce heat released by standard concrete into the room and being integrated with a series of skylights. Each double volume room has 3 calibrated skylight openings of 30x30cm that creates cone effect thru the ceiling to achieve an average of 300lux throughout the day in almost every room, that ensure no artificial light was needed during daytime.
Upon entering, house open up to the ramp, that by the variation of Sun movement throughout the year create an ever-changing experience in the ramp that also serves as family gallery. Leading to an informal living area that opens up directly to the swimming pool and framing the vista of the garden across. Living room also acted as space barrier between the privacy of 2 main bedrooms. These approaches were highlighting the intention of breaking through the standard space arrangement of residential projects. The space benefits from facing the dual natural light sources of the garden and the inverse embrasures on the facing wall - which create a sense of sanctuary. Open air is championed instead of bound in space, an environmental consideration inspired by the architect RAD+ar.
被动设计实验室旨在成为一个简单的原型,展示应该如何应用切实的被动设计方法,无需依赖人工/主动设计来实现可持续性和舒适性。在正在进行的无计划的城市化中,城市房屋逐渐被遮挡,孤立和切断了自己与周围环境的友好关系,RAD + ar引入了一种解决方案,以帮助唤醒面临的问题,从而为大多数人创造一个避风港,让人们居住者在安全、同时拥抱亲生物和热带气候的当代房屋, 并与环境和谐相处。
Passive design Lab was meant to be a simple prototype of how one could still apply a down to earth passive design approach in order to achieve comfort without relying much on artificial / active design for sustainability. In the ongoing unplanned urbanization, urban houses are gradually suffocating, isolating, and cutting off themselves from friendly relationships with the surrounding environment, RAD+ar was to introduced a solution to help awaken to the facing problem, thereby creating a haven within for majority to stay in a safe place while embracing biophilic and tropical approach with the contemporary house, from the perspective of living harmoniously with the environment.
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Project Name: Passive Lab House
Office Name: RAD+ar (Research Artistic Design + architecture)
Office Website: radarchitecture.net
Social Media Accounts: radarchitects
Contact e-mail: visionary@radarchitecture.net
Firm Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Completion Year: 2020
Gross Built Area: 550m2
Project Location: Alam Sutera Tanggerang
Program: Residential
Lead Architects: Antonius Richard
Lead Architects e-mail: arichardrusli@gmail.com
Photo Credits: William Sutanto
Photographer’s website: rtipictures.com
Photographer’s e-mail: info@artipicture.com
更新日期:2022-06-14 17:36:37
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