项目位于广西南宁,玉洞大道以南,平乐大道以西,是五象湖板块核心区。五象来源南宁当地的传说,南宁人视五象为吉祥物,庇护一方水土,保卫家园。五象新区,以新区里的景点五象岭命名。据《南宁府志》记:城南岸那五座相连不断的土坡,“山势雄峻,拱向城廊,为邕之服障,五峰相倚,如五象饮江。”称为五象岭,“象岭烟岚” 成为邕州八景之一。
The project is located at south of Yudong Avenue, west of Pingle Avenue of Nanning, Guangxi, which is the core area of Wuxiang Lake. Wuxiang is a legend of Nanning, the Nanning people regard Wuxiang as the mascot,to defend the homeland. Wuxiang new area took the famous scenes Five Elephant Mountains as the name. According to the annals of Nanning mansion, the five earth slopes on the south bank of the city are continuously connected, "The mountains are majestic, arching to the corridors of the city, for the barrier of Yong, and the five peaks are leaning against each other, like the five elephants were drinking the river.” Elephant Mountains became one of the eight scenes of Yongzhou.
场地现状 Site context
The children’s playground located at the backyard of the demonstration area, including the GF & B1, how to create the connection between the above and sunken plaza become the challenge of this project.
故事场景 The scene of the story
The story line of the Wuxiang Paradise is inspired by the five Elephants legend in Nanning, we integrate this legend into the adventure journey, so that children can feel and experience this interesting story in the process of the game.
▼方案设计 Schematic design
▼平面图 Plan
▼游乐动线 Recreation flow
▼立面图 Elevation
▼场景分区 Zoning plan
▼峡谷穿行 Through the valley
▼勇闯飞瀑 Cross the waterfall
▼迷幻沙丘 Lost in the sand dunes
▼深谷探秘 Cave adventure
▼落地实景 Site photos
更新日期:2021-03-19 16:27:02
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