▽题图 Title
“We believe that historical memory should actively participate in contemporary life, serving as a vital link between the city and communities. The role of design, therefore, is to discover and unleash its latent potential.”
XU Qi, Principal, GOA
▽ “车站”的日常使用者 Daily user of the “station”
The Xuhui section of Huangpu River, where the Shanghai West Bund Financial Hub is located, was once a significant industrial shoreline in a suburb. Following the industry decline, a comprehensive plan has been initiated to revitalize the area through a large mixed-use redevelopment project. GOA was responsible for the design of Plot G, the first phase of this ambitious project. Recently, the commercial spaces within this plot have been fully opened to the public, establishing a popular landmark.
▽场地位置 Site analysis
Within the master plan, this plot integrates a diverse mix of functions, including commercial, cultural, and residential spaces. The former site of Nanpu Railway Station has become a focal point for urban regeneration. GOA believes that mixed-use development transcends mere juxtaposition of functions; instead, it should, through thoughtful design, create opportunities for interaction and integration. Consequently, creating a cohesive sense of place has emerged as the primary consideration.
▽商业街区、公寓与住宅构成完整的空间序列 Stores, apartments and residential towers
Centripetal Space, Vibrant Field
The spontaneous participation of users is the key to infusing vitality into mixed-use spaces. The design consciously avoids vast, empty spaces and unapproachable forms to achieve this. Instead, it creates an inviting public realm through centripetal space and flexible circulation patterns.
▽G09、G11地块设计草图 Sketch for plot G09 & G11
▽功能与流线分析 Function and circulation analysis
The block structure and scale are calibrated based on pedestrian experience. Most internal pathways are designed without rigid boundaries while dividing the area into human-scaled blocks. This approach creates spaces with a significant sense of place, frequently appropriated spontaneously by merchants, residents, and visitors, transforming into vibrant marketplaces, stages, or galleries.
▽富有活力的内部“街巷”作为室内功能的外延 Vibrant internal pathways extend interior functions
The Financial Hub is an urban extension where green spaces and art museums converge into the downtown. The master plan strategically positions the landmark building as an exhibition venue while transforming the entire plot into a canvas for art installations. Through the curation of dining and retail offerings, the project addresses the longstanding service gap near the bank. Gathering spaces seamlessly integrated with the landscape and accommodate congregation activities.
▽香格纳画廊前的水景成为艺术装置的舞台 Water landscape in front of the gallery as a podium for public art
▽人群的停留与活动 taying people with different activities
From Abandoned Station to Landmark
As the only surviving historic structure within the master plan, the former Nanpu Railway Station, built in the 1950s, endows the site with unique character while presenting initial challenges. The station's long axis, comprising the station building, railway tracks, and warehouses spanning 170 meters, bisected the site, impeding circulation and complicating functional planning.
▽新造建筑在延续老车站形态的同时部分使用老砖 New buildings incorporate bricks from the original station while extending its morphology
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The architects embraced the unique qualities of the station as an anchor of its history. Rather than focusing solely on architectural facsimile, the design prioritizes enhancing experience: based on preservation assessments, the complete railway tracks and portions of the station building and warehouses were retained, with the axis segmented into two sections. The western portion maintained its position while the eastern section shifted southward to create an art garden.
▽铁路轴线的切分、平移与再生 Cutting, moving and regenerating railway axis
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The station building's distinctive memory lies in its triple-span pitched roof structure connecting the station building, warehouses, and tracks. The design translates this feature into dynamic curved forms, creating a gradual transition from traditional gabled roofs. This curvature finds resonance in the balconies of residential and apartment towers.
▽大尺度挑檐创造休憩交往的灰空间 Grand eaves as gray spaces for rest and interaction
Historical elements permeate the details of construction: original grey bricks were carefully preserved and reused during relocation; objects like wooden windows and canopies appear in new structures; and preserved or replicated artifacts, including tracks, clocks, and timetables, become landscape features.
▽以站台为原型的花园入口与“站长小屋”咖啡厅 Garden entrance inspired by platform and themed café
Balance between Closure and Openness
Plot G stands unique in the Financial Hub as the only section incorporating both rental and build-to-sell apartments. Amid recent debates about gated communities in China, the architects aim not merely to address housing needs but to explore residential models through the opportunities of mixed-use development, realizing a "feasible openness" within the current context.
▽高层住宅拥有优越的滨水景观视野 High-rise residences with superior waterfront views
在住区规划中,相比围墙的存废,更重要的是通达性。住宅地块采取了“小尺度封闭、大尺度开放”的渐进策略。将绿地与文体会所等功能从围墙中释放出来。住宅项目「启元」的尺度为120 x 80m,与上海市中心“窄路密网”的街区尺度相当。得益于细致的流线规划,以历史建筑为核心的公共区域虽位于围墙外,但与居住者近乎零距离,成为住区的“开放边界”与“超级底盘”。
GOA prioritizes accessibility and experience in the residential design. A progressive strategy of "small-scale enclosure, large-scale openness" liberates green spaces and cultural facilities from solid boundaries. The residential development, with its 120m x 80m block size, mirrors the dense street network of downtown Shanghai. Through circulation planning, the public area, though outside the residential perimeter, maintains minimalized distance from residents, serving as a functional “open boundary” for the community.
▽人行入口提供了通往公共区域的便捷路径 Pedestrian entrance provides an easy access to the public area
The design maximizes landscape advantages of Huangpu River to create a high-quality residential project. The entrance lobby continues the station building’s roof curvature, drawing inspiration from whale tail to create an elegant shape. The open ground floors of two towers connect via a corridor, blending with landscape to create an engaging homecoming pathway.
▽彼此呼应的曲线建筑语汇 Curved elements that echoes each other
The rental apartment section retreats its boundaries to secured entrance straightly facing commercial district. This configuration provides convenient access while maintaining privacy and security, offering residents a seamless transition between urban vibrancy and residential tranquility.
The western section of renewed station building houses the apartment lobby, integrating commercial and exhibition functions. Residents pass through this "historical building" to access elevators, transforming the revitalized station into a living room where various activities naturally integrate into daily routines without altering the familiar circulation.
▽公寓住户可以选择归家流线穿越门厅或从楼下进入 Apartment residents can choose to cross the lobby or go straight home from downstairs
▽总平面图 Master plan
▽首层组合平面图 Ground floor plan
▽1-1剖面图 1-1 section
▽G09地块正立面图 Front elevation, plot G09
▽结构与改造策略 Structure and renovation method
Project Info
Project Name: Shanghai West Bund Financial City - Plot G
Location: Xuhui, Shanghai
Client: HongKong Land
Architect: GOA (Group of Architects)
Interior: Harmony World Consultant and Design, Cheng Chung Design
Landscape: FISH DESIGN
Construction Drawing: TIANHUA
Historic Preservation Consultant: Shanghai Zhang Ming Architectural Design Firm
Design/Completion: 2020/2024
Floor Area: 97,500 sqm
Photographer: CHEN Xi Studio
更新日期:2025-02-08 15:31:21
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