1. 破而后立:全天候的无界公园
To Be A Contemporary Community Park
Tianlin Park, initially a fenced-off green space named "Tianlin Central Green Land", was built in 1999. As a public green space serving nearly 20,000 residents in an area with a radius of 300 meters, it had only one entrance at the southwest before renewal. This fact isolates the park from its surroundings and fails to build connection with the daily life. This green land, providing minimal chance for residents in the east to get access, run at low efficiency as one of the public goods. This calls for a truly open community park without the fence.
▽田林公园主入口景观感受,View of the main entrance of Tianlin Park
▽田林公园主体空间的多要素环形建构,The multi-element ring construction of the main space of Tianlin Park
▽田林公园整体俯瞰,Overall view of Tianlin Park
After thorough survey, research, design and local hearing sessions, VIASCAPE's renewal scheme was finally stabilized after going through the reviews at the end of 2021. Our design strategies include removing boundary walls at the east and west, blending the park into the community with strong publicity, and keeping the park 24-hour open. On top of these, the design scheme addresses more critical topics such as responding to all age users' requirements, existing landscaping integration, and presentation of community and local culture. All efforts contribute to the final product of Tianlin Park as a contemporary community urban habitat with full spatial structure and regional characters.
▽改造前现状,Pre-renovation status
▽西向东鸟瞰清晨的田林公园,Bird’s eye view of Tianlin Park in the morning from west to east
▽东向西鸟瞰田林公园,Bird’s eye view of Tianlin Park from east to west
▽隐于林下的运动场地,A sports field hidden in the forest
▽林间的健身场地与绿化景观,Fitness venue and green landscape in the forest
▽将漫步、慢跑与绿化景观融于一体的田林公园更新,The Tianlin Park, which integrates walking, jogging and green landscape, is renewed
▽田林公园主园路沿线舒朗明快的景观感受,The pleasant and bright landscape feeling along the main garden road of Tianlin Park
2. 以形构形:环形建构的活力生境
A Vibrant Habitat Circle of Activities
Tianlin Park is defined as a "community park" 1 in terms of its size and location. In Chinese " Tianlin" is composed of the two characters "Tian" which means land and "Lin" which means woods. However, our site survey shows a rather surprising fact that this place is filled with existing dense well-established trees but hardly has recreational activity spaces. And the existing '"woods" with densely spotted trees established for more than 20 years is the restrictive condition of increasing functional spaces for fitness, recreational facilities, and other all age activities. To retain existing big trees and other crucial green resources in the park, we decided to build a framework for the activities under the tree canopy based on the current circular and curvy pedestrian network. With the "shaping with existing shape"2 design strategy, we build a vibrant habitat Circle of activities with "circular lawn+ circular main path + curved activity areas" in the core area of the park.
▽田林公园全天候都市生境建构生成图, All-weather urban habitat construction map of Tianlin Park
▽基于现状园路组织的环形空间建构,Construction of ring space based on current park organization
▽园路、休憩空间与提供多元服务的“梦田廊”皆以环形逻辑进行组织,The garden path, the open space and the “Dream Field Corridor” providing a variety of services are organized in a circular logic
▽从环形观景平台看向中心草坪活动区,View of the central lawn activity area from the circular viewing platform
▽设计将休闲坐凳、台阶、绿化、健身场地以环形逻辑编织在一起,The design weaves together leisure benches, steps, greenery and fitness grounds with a circular logic
VIASCAPE designed a round lawn in the center of the park for users to get quick access, providing an open green experience in the high-density community. Mengtian Gallery, which incorporates terraced decking, a viewing platform, a recreational area, a gardening center and a habitat center, is the most significant recreational and service center in the park at the north part of the lawn area with the best sun exposure. Meanwhile, the main path consists of a "3 meters jogging lane + 1.5m circular recreational green zone + 1.5m circular pedestrian" set aside at the grand lawn is assembled to create the basic spatial structure of Tianlin Park with a multi-functional purpose. Functional spaces such as fitness courts, kids' play and family gaming areas are arranged outside of the main road ring for all age users. These areas are weaved into the existing woods with an alternating pattern, forming a vibrant space covered with natural green and stitching the community vibrancy and its natural base together. The construction of vibrant habitats built upon circular space is crucial to Tianlin Park's spatial design. This design is not just adapted to current user behaviors but also bears unique spatial and visual characters belonging only to Tianlin Park.
▽从次园路望向虚实结合并具有立体使用功能的“梦田廊”,From the secondary garden road, we look at the “Mengtian Gallery”, which combines virtual-reality and three-dimensional use function
▽田林公园主体空间环形建构对多元活动的兼容,The compatibility of the ring construction of the main space of Tianlin Park with multiple activities
▽日落后“梦田廊”的日常使用状态,Daily usage of “Mengtian Gallery” after sunset
▽兼具多元使用方式的儿童活动场地,Children’s activity space with multiple uses
▽多功能儿童活动场地一景,A view of the multi-functional children’s activity venue
3. 环境再生产:自然生境的表达与感知
Production of the Natural Habitat System
Tree preservation and carbon sink building are fundamental parts of the renewal design considering the existing lush woods, which inspired us to create a natural habitat system in Tianlin Park. We apply manicured evergreen flowery shrubs as the backbone of the shrub layer under the canopy. On top of this, low-maintenance perennial groundcovers and other shade-tolerant perennial flowers are employed to build a simple, but rather natural green space. We also leave the edge of pedestrian and other paved areas fully open, with which sunken green spaces are generated to establish a rain garden system. Diverse functions are furthermore married to the rain gardens to create diverse categories such as natural style, land art style and water source style.
▽田林公园特征自然生境要素,Tianlin Park features natural habitat elements
▽将本杰士堆、昆虫旅馆、雨水花园融于整体地形梳理,The Benjese Pile, the insect hotel, and the rain garden are integrated into the overall terrain
▽以深色透水砂基路面作为田林公园最主要的场地材料,Dark permeable sand base pavement is the main site material of Tianlin Park
▽结合自然生境空间的导视设计,Guided design combining natural habitat space
Along the natural style rain gardens, we incorporate fruit viewing habitat, fragrant habitat, herbs habitat and rock stone habitat into the under-canopy space. This will naturally create biodiversity, abundant visiting experience, and educational significance. And we designed "Insect Hotel" and "Benjes Hedge" with wasted building materials (bricks and stones) and abandoned tree trunks, applying them in the construction of ecological land-forming. Different from the penetration function of natural style rain garden and land art style rain gardens, water source rain garden is sunken green space under the tree canopy that is capable of storing rainwater, synergized with adjacent new fruit trees to provide water and food source for birds. We try to balance natural protection and the construction of a more comprehensive park habitat system, which will increase the environmental carrying capacity for the community and create a direct visiting experience with natural habitat and ecological education elements under the construction of a holistic green landscape.
▽多元类型的雨水花园设计是田林公园改造的一个重点,Multi-type rain garden design is a focus of Tianlin Park renovation
▽将雨水花园融入各种类型空间,Integrating rain gardens into all types of Spaces
▽生境科普馆玻璃立面上的“鸟撞贴”, “Bird Strike stickers” on the glass facade of Habitat Science Museum
▽“梦田廊”下的生境科普馆常设展陈,Habitat Science Museum under the “Mengtian Gallery” permanent exhibition
4. 嵌入静谧:文化生境的场所功能
Cultural Habitat of the Neighborhood
The general layout of Tianlin Park could be mapped as two rectangles with different sizes. A smaller rectangle to the east is spatially independent. It was a paved area enclosed with metasequoia woods before renewal. We incorporated a multifunctional tourist center(Linyin Gallery 3) in the existing paved area, providing basic services for users.
▽田林公园景观建筑(梦田廊、林隐轩)空间生成,Tianlin Park landscape architecture (Mentian Gallery, Linyin Gallery) space generation
▽利用现状硬质场地设计游客服务中心“林隐轩”,Design of visitor service center “Linyin Gallery” by using the current hard site
▽现状水杉林下的“林隐轩”,”Linyin Gallery” under metasequoia forest
▽以4米×4米×4米的空间模块建构“林隐轩”的文化生境,The cultural habitat of “Linyin Gallery” is constructed with a space module of 4 meters ×4 meters ×4 meters
The design of Linyin Gallery and its surroundings differs from the major space for Tianlin Park according to the spatial and contiguity analysis. It follows a 4x4x4m module, which maps a combination of tangibles and intangibles. In the presence of the metasequoia woods, Linyin Gallery manages to be a serene corner of the park. The modular design that balances the tangible and the intangible enables flexibility to incorporate diverse functions, such as the tourist center and 24-hour open entrance east of the Park. Linyin Gallery is poised at a flowy move that is “straight and curvy”, “dynamic and still”, and “hidden and exposed”, presenting a space and cultural philosophyof contemporary garden design. In comparison to the openness of Tianlin Park main part, the in-depth hiddenness of Linyin Gallery in metasequoia woods leads an unique landscape experience.
▽白色清水砼结构与现状水杉林的互动,Interaction between white clear concrete structure and current metasequoia forest
▽以透景与借景呈现当代造园的文化生境表达,To present the expression of cultural habitat of contemporary landscape construction with views and borrowings
▽兼具东部公园入口、公园管理、游客问询与公共卫生间功能的文化生境营造,A cultural habitat that combines the functions of the eastern park entrance, park management, visitor inquiry and public toilet
5. 林间梦田:田林公园的广义都市生境
the Complete Meaning of Habitat in Tianlin Park
“林间梦田”是田林公园改造更新的设计理念,体现了VIA保护现状林荫、优化林下场地利用方式、提升林下自然状态的设计初衷。在这里,我们追求匹配高密度建成环境需求的更广义的都市生境:① 响应社区公园定位与使用者需求的多元活动场地系统建构,是田林公园“活力生境”呈现;② 在公园开放绿色界面与阳光草坪的公园意象建立的基础上,以林下多元表达的雨水花园系统为线索展开的联系土壤、植被、昆虫、小型哺乳类动物、鸟类的“自然生境”塑造,是田林公园更新的重要内容,并以融入使用者体验的方式结合整体空间梳理展开而非封闭式的传统科普手段;③ 田林公园东部结合公园配套服务设施的当代造园尝试则是我们在这里恰当植入的具有在地性的“文化生境”,而如何在当代公园城市发展中传承与体现中国园林文化意趣也一直是VIA特别关注的学术议题。
"The HABITAT in the Woods" is the design concept of Tianlin Park renewal project, also a summary of VIASCAPE's effort to protect existing vegetation, optimize the land use under the tree canopy, and improve the natural environment. We pursue to design and construct the Complete Meaning of Habitat in Tianlin Park, which is: ①a landscape system that responds to its positioning as a community park and meets the needs of the users to incorporate multifunctional activity zones. ②based on the open green image of Tianlin Park, versatile expressions of the rain garden system uncurled a natural habitat with soil, vegetation, insects, small mammals, and birds as heroes. ③the trial of the modern garden building combined with park administration service at the east part of Tianlin Park, is an attempt to implant local cultural habitat. The academic issue of how to develop and inherit the traditional Chinese garden culture spirit is of the special concern in VIASCAPE’s design practice.
▽多元游憩活动空间融于现状树林,Multiple recreation Spaces are integrated into the current forest
▽田林公园趣味空间空间中的晨练,Morning exercise in Tianlin Park Fun space
▽中央圆形大草坪成为田林公园中最受使用者欢迎的景观空间,The central circular lawn has become the most popular landscape space in Tianlin Park
▽景观建筑在承担立体游憩职能的同时,也是虚实结合的空间界面,Landscape architecture not only assumes the function of three-dimensional recreation, but also the spatial interface combining virtual-reality
▽一体化设计将自然生境与活力生境有机融合,The integrated design organically integrates the natural habitat with the active habitat
▽初冬夕阳下“梦田廊”的屋面休憩空间,The roof rest space of “Mengtian Gallery” under the early winter sunset
▽田林公园周边居民参与共创的灯光装置“林间梦田”,Tianlin Park surrounding residents to participate in the creation of the lighting installation “forest Mengtian”
What is worth mentioning in the end is the lighting installation named Lin Jian Meng Tian 4 at the west boundary of the park. It is not just an art installation, but a memorable participatory design practice full of emotional attachment that is proposed by VIASCAPE and written by the local calligraphy enthusiasts under the organization of Tianlin Subdistrict Office as well.
▽田林公园夜景整体鸟瞰,Bird ‘s-eye view of Tianlin Park at night
▽田林公园夜景中林下的梦田,The Mengtian under the forest in the night scenery of Tianlin Park
▽田林公园总平面图,General plan of Tianlin Park
▽田林公园导视设计,Tianlin Park Guide design
[1] 根据住建部2017年发布的《城市绿地分类标准(CJJ/T85-2017)》,社区公园(G12)是“具有基本的游憩和服务设施,主要为一定居住范围内居民就近开展日常休闲活动服务的绿地”。
[2] 以形构形,是VIA维亚景观基于近年大量更新类公园绿地设计实践总结的一种空间梳理方法,也是响应“公园城市”发展目标与绿色生态资源保护的空间利用策略与更新设计手段。
[3] 见 以《第三种线条:水杉林中的上海田林公园林隐轩》为题发表于《时代建筑》2024年第4期上的文章;或见VIA维亚景观以“林隐轩”或“上海田林公园游客服务中心”为题发表于各专业媒体平台的文章。
[4] “林间梦田”灯光装置被设计为由“林”、“间”、“梦”、“田”4组耐候树脂材质书法字小品构成,每组字由7片组成,并要求在专业厂家进行安装节点深化后予以实施。在徐汇区绿化管理中心与徐汇区田林街道办事处的协同组织下,每个书法字都由田林社区老年大学多位的书法爱好者分别书写,并经投票后择优录用为灯光装置书法模板进行制作安装。
[1] Community park as defined in Chinese Standard for classification of Urban Green Space(CJJ/T85-2017), is a green space with basic recreational facilities and services, mainly serve residents in a certain distance to have daily leisure activities.
[2] "Shaping with existing shape" is an approach and strategy developed from VIASCAPE's design practice in recent years.
[3] see the article titled The Third Type of Line published in the 4th issue of Time Architecture in 2024 or VIASCAPE's article titled Tianlin Park tourist center on professional online media for details.
[4] Lighting installation "Lin Jian Meng Tian" consists of 4 groups of Chinese calligraphy. They are respectively "Lin", "Jian", "Meng", and "Tian". Each group consists of the same character written by 7 different local calligraphy enthusiasts.
设计单位: VIA 维亚景观
结构顾问:和作结构 / 张准、潘俊
照明顾问:OUI light / 徐越锋
摄影师:CreatAR Images
Project Information
Project: Tianlin Park Renewal
Design Firm: VIASCAPE design (VIA)
Lead Designer: Sun Yijia
Design Team: Sun Yijia, Zhou Mi, Ma Li, Yi Yangfan, Quan Shuaiqun, Ji Wenshan, Zhang Liang, Ji Huimin, Ji Yuwei, Chen Tianshu
Design Time: Oct. 2021
Built Time: Nov. 2023
Landscape Area: 14000sqm
Location: Tianlin Park(the former Tianlin Center Greenland), Shanghai
Client: Xuhui District Greening Administration
Supervisor: Xuhui District Greening and City Appearance Administration Bureau & Tianlin Sub-district Office, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Contractor: Shanghai Greening-Landscaping Construction Co., Ltd
Structural Consultant: Hezuo Structural Engineering/ Zhang Zhun, Pan Jun
Lighting Consultant: OUI Light / Xu Yuefeng
VI Design: VIASCAPE design
MEP: Shanghai Qianmu Architectural Design Co., Ltd
Bamboo composite design: SeamBoo
Fair-faced concrete Consultant: Shanghai Urban Construction Materials Co., Ltd
Habitat Center Exhibition Display: Dong Nannan Team from Department of Landscape Architecture of Tongji University
Fonts for VI: REEJI type, VIASCAPE design
LDI: Shanghai Landscape Industry Development Co., Ltd
Photographer: CreatAR Images
Article Author: Sun Yijia
Design Drawings: Ji Yuwei, Wu Tingting
更新日期:2024-12-25 16:17:23
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