公司: | Studio Roosegaarde | 类型: | 景观 |
地区: | 荷兰 | 标签: | 艺术装置 |
受太阳光的启发,在科学研究的支持下,证明一种新的、特殊的光可以安全地清除高达99.9%的冠状病毒,Studio Roosegaarde今天推出了世界上第一个城市太阳项目。
Inspired by the light of the sun, and backed by scientific research that proves a new, specific light can safely clean up to 99.9% of the coronavirus, Studio Roosegaarde launches the world’s first Urban Sun today.
▽项目视频 Video ©Daan Roosegaarde
Daan Roosegaarde和他的设计师、外部专家和科学家团队挑战自我,探索如何利用光的力量来对抗病毒,从而提高人类的健康水平。研究表明,虽然传统的254纳米紫外线是有害的,但波长为222纳米的紫外线实际上可以安全地消毒病毒。“城市太阳”是Roosegaarde工作室正在开发的一个项目,它将这种远紫外光照射到公共场所,清理这些空间的冠状病毒。它的作用是在现行政府规定的基础上增加一层保护。项目旨在激发人们的希望,它通过改善文化聚会、体育赛事、公共广场和学校操场,来对抗社会隔离的负面影响。
Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers, external experts, and scientists challenged themselves to discover how the power of light can be used to combat viruses and therefore enhance our well-being. Research shows that though traditional 254nm UV light is harmful, the new far-UVC light with a wavelength of 222 nanometers can actually sanitize viruses safely. Urban Sun, a project in development by Studio Roosegaarde, shines a large circle of this far-UVC light into public spaces, cleaning those spaces of the coronavirus. It acts as an additional layer of protection to current government rules. Urban Sun aims to inspire hope. It combats the negative impact of social isolation by aiming to improve cultural gatherings, sporting events, public squares, and schoolyards.
项目城市太阳的首次启动仪式在鹿特丹最具标志性的地标伊拉斯谟桥旁举行。该项目在Studio Roosegaarde.net以电影首映的形式亮相,并有可能在未来举办展览。该项目得到了来自世界各地的研究人员和专家的支持,并以哥伦比亚大学和广岛大学撰写的科学论文为基础。
Urban Sun’s initial launch took place alongside Rotterdam’s most iconic landmark, the Erasmus Bridge. The project debuts as a movie première at Studio with the potential for future exhibits. The project is supported by researchers and experts from all over the world and is based on scientific papers written at Columbia University and Hiroshima University.
荷兰独立的议会咨询机构--公共卫生与社会委员会理事会主席Jet Bussemaker称赞了这个项目。"这是一个鼓舞人心的项目。人们已经厌倦了COVID19。我们需要的是找到新的解决方案的勇气,互相接触,创造一些亲密关系。这就是这个项目正在做的事情。"
Jet Bussemaker, President of the Council of the Public Health & Society Board, the Netherlands’ independent parliamentary advising body, praised the project: "It is inspiring. People are tired of COVID19. What we need is courage to find new solutions, to get in touch with each other, and create some intimacy. That is what Urban Sun is doing."
Roosegaarde工作室多年来一直在研究光的力量,Urban Sun项目是在2019年自费开始的。COVID19的大流行让这个项目变得更加迫切。项目将设计与科学联系起来,提供创新的解决方案,为人们创造更安全、更人性化的聚会和交流空间。Urban Sun可以在任何类型的公共空间展出,并以此呼吁政府和合作伙伴加快和提升应用水平。
Designing solutions Studio Roosegaarde has been researching the power of light for many years. The self-funded Urban Sun was begun in 2019. The COVID19 pandemic made the project much more urgent. Urban Sun connects design with science to provide innovative solutions to create spaces for people to meet and exchange in a safer and a more humane way. Urban Sun can be exhibited in any type of public space and serves as a call to action to governments and partners to speed-up and upscale applications. Concrete proposals can be emailed to
项目由Roosegaarde的团队以及来自荷兰、美国、日本和意大利的外部专家和科学家共同打造。Urban Sun的远紫外线光源由荷兰国家计量研究所VSL测量和校准。项目也符合国际非电离辐射防护委员会(ICNIRP)的安全标准。
Creation Urban Sun is created by Roosegaarde’s team, along with external experts and scientists from the Netherlands, the US, Japan, and Italy. The Urban Sun’s far-UVC light source is measured and calibrated by the Dutch National Metrology Institute VSL. Urban Sun meets the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) safety standards.
Daan Roosegaarde说:"突然间,我们的世界充满了塑料障碍和距离贴纸,我们的家庭沦为电脑屏幕上的像素。让我们成为新时代的设计师,创造更好的见面和互动场所。”
Daan Roosegaarde: “Suddenly our world is filled with plastic barriers and distance stickers, our family reduced to pixels on a computer screen. Let’s be the architects of our new normal and create better places to meet and interact.
Project: Urban Sun
Design Firm: Studio Roosegaarde
Location: ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands
Year: 2021
Photo Credit: Daan Roosegaarde
更新日期:2021-03-09 17:36:43
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