Musun LanDscape

木杉景观,以“发现被忽略的美好”为核心价值理念,专注于景观的大千世界,让设计变得温暖而美好,重塑空间价值,创造诗意栖居的生活环境。目前团队规模为70余人,拥有装置艺术、雕塑、石材、新材料、新工艺等各类供应商资源,保证项目落地性、原创性以及前瞻性。我们为地产新项目提供景观规划和设计服务,并且为老项目提供景观设计优化以及咨询顾问服务。业务范围涉及居住区景观规划设计、 样板区设计、商业办公景观设计、酒店景观设计、公共绿地设计等。精于细节,服务至上。自2016年初至今服务的优质开发商超过30余家,包括:融信、合景泰富、世茂、万科、 华润、祥生、中梁、绿城、红星、景瑞、宋都、德信、和昌、石榴、海伦堡、宝能、杭房、奥山、奥园、欧堡利亚、开元、海港城等。

MUSUN, with “discovering the neglected beauty” as the core value concept, focuses on the landscape, makes the design warm and beautiful, reshapes the space value, and creates a poetic living environment. The team size is more than 70 people. MUSUN has various supplier resources such as installation art, sculpture, stone, new materials, new craftsmanship, etc., to ensure the implementation, design originality and insight of the project. We provide landscape planning and design services for new real estate projects, as well as landscape design optimization and consulting services for developed projects. The business scope covers residential landscape planning and design, model area design, commercial office landscape design, hotel landscape design, and public green space design. MUSUN pays attention to details and is service-oriented. Since the beginning of 2016, more than 30 high-quality developers have been served, including RONSHINE Group, KWG Group Holdings, SHIMAO Group, Vanke, China Resources, SHINSUN Group, Zhongliang Holdings Group, GREENTOWN, MACALLINE, JINGRUI Holdings, SUNDY China, DoThink, H-CHANGE Group, ANAR Group, HELENBERGH, BAONENG Group, HFDC, ORSUN, Aoyuan Group, OBRAO Group, Kaiyuan Group, Harbour City, etc.

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