公司: | CHROFI | McGregor Coxall | 类型: | 景观 |
地区: | 澳大利亚 | 标签: | 滨水空间 |
Work has now completed on the Maitland Riverlink, a public project that will crystallise new value for the regional centre Maitland, both in terms of its identity and its assets. The project will support a revitalisation of the central business precinct, extending it beyond the main street to the river.
该空间作为社区的一种"公共客厅",重新激活了城镇的一个荒废部分,并吸引当地人回到作为麦特兰遗产基本组成部分的河流,同时将游客和参观者带到城镇。近年来,梅特兰镇的农村中心已经背离了河流,与它的主要商业和社区活动脱节。一系列毁灭性的洪水意味着当地人不再将河流视为一种资产,而是对社区的一种威胁。CHROFI与McGregor Coxall合作,发现了一个帮助重塑这一动态的机会,然后与梅特兰市议会密切合作,打造振兴市中心的支点。
The space acts as a kind of ‘public living room’ for the community, reactivating an unused part of town and drawing locals back to the river that is a fundamental part of Maitland’s heritage, whilst bringing tourists and visitors to the town. In recent years, rural Maitland’s town centre had turned its back on the river, disconnecting it from its main commercial and community activities. A series of devastating floods meant locals no longer see the river as an asset, but as a threat to the community. Working with McGregor Coxall, CHROFI identified an opportunity to help reframe that dynamic, then worked closely with Maitland City Council to find buildings which could be purchased and redeveloped to act as pivot for the revitalisation of the centre of town.
该建筑首次将麦特兰的两个关键资产,其建筑风格丰富的高街和猎人河的环境舒适性结合在一起,为游客和当地人提供了更多的体验。该建筑被表现为一个 "雕塑般的大门",框住了往返于猎人河的景色,并吸引人们通过该空间。木制和砖制的拱门为社区提供了一个有顶的空间,重新激活了城市中未被利用的部分。该建筑还设有一个咖啡馆和餐厅以及公共设施。
The building unites Maitland’s two key assets for the first time - its architecturally rich High Street and the environmental amenity of the Hunter River - providing a greater experience for tourists and locals. The building is expressed as a ‘sculptural gateway’ that frames views to and from the Hunter River and attracts people to pass through the space. The timber and brick arch frames a covered space for the community use, reactivating an underused part of town. The building also houses a café and restaurant as well as public amenities.
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The architecture has a strong civic presence in a street full of historic buildings and is a landmark when viewed from the river. The precise angles of the walls, ceiling and ground plane frame a ‘public living room’ that offers a comfortable place to sit, a mobile library, high quality public amenities and a café/restaurant all of which can be transformed into an outdoor cinema or theatre for special events. Handmade brick was chosen as the primary building finish to complement the heritage brick and sandstone textures of the town. The warmth and texture of clay bricks works at the urban scale and at the interior human scale to provide an enduring finish. Unique brick corners help the monolithic brick walls bend at unlikely angles giving the material a razor-sharp, abstract quality.
当地议会秘书Scot MacDonald MLC说:"重要的是,我们继续投资于社区基础设施,正如这个项目一样,以丰富我们的区域城市。这是一个鼓舞人心的空间,我相信人们会有很多机会来利用它,无论是活动还是在城市的中心地带消磨时间。
Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter, Scot MacDonald MLC says ‘It is important that we continue to invest in community infrastructure such as The Riverlink to enrich our regional cities. It is an inspiring space that I’m sure will see many opportunities for people to utilise, whether for events or spending time in the city’s heart.’
梅特兰市长Cr Loretta Baker说:"项目大厦是对堤坝的一个很好的补充,它将真正加强城市与猎人河的历史关系,同时增加堤坝作为梅特兰首要生活方式区的发展。这是一座美丽的建筑,我们为之感到自豪,我们的社区将在未来几代人中使用它"。
Maitland Mayor, Cr Loretta Baker said ‘The Riverlink Building is a wonderful addition to The Levee and it will really strengthen the city’s historic relationship with the Hunter River, whilst adding to The Levee’s development as Maitland’s premier lifestyle precinct. It’s a beautiful building that we are very proud of and that our community will use for generations to come’.
项目是获奖建筑公司CHROFI的作品,它延续了其在公共建筑领域的传统,包括纽约市著名的TKTS、时代广场、Ultimo的The Goods Line以及即将在堪培拉建成的Ian Potter国家音乐学院等项目。CHROFI总监Tai Ropiha说:"作为一个实践,我们一直专注于与当地文化和社区产生共鸣的高影响力公共项目"。"我们很高兴该建筑受到好评,并正在改变梅特兰社区与河流的接触方式"。
Five years in the making Maitland’s Riverlink Building is the work of award-winning Architectural firm CHROFI and extends a legacy of place-making public architecture including New York City’s celebrated TKTS, Times Square, The Goods Line in Ultimo and the forthcoming Ian Potter National Conservatory in Canberra. “As a practice, we have always been focused on high impact public projects that resonate with the local culture and community”, said CHROFI Director, Tai Ropiha. “We are thrilled that the building has been well received and is changing how the Maitland community engage with the river.”
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Project: Maitland Riverlink
Design Firm: CHROFI + McGregor Coxall
Project Location: Maitland , Australia
Completion date: 2018
Building levels: 2
Photo credit: Matt Abbott, Simon Wood, Mark James, Clinton Weaver, Brett Boardman, CHROFI
更新日期:2021-04-27 15:46:37
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