公司: | JKMM Architects | 类型: | 建筑 |
地区: | 阿联酋迪拜 | 标签: | 公共建筑 |
芬兰馆的设计表达了为沙漠带来雪的概念,本周,由 JKMM Architects操刀的芬兰馆将在 2020 年迪拜世博会(延期至2021)上开放,其灵感来自芬兰的自然、设计和创新。这座被称为“雪角”的建筑以“共享未来幸福”为主题,将突出芬兰对可持续发展的承诺及其与自然的深厚联系,以及确保为游客带来令人难忘的体验。
Metaphorically bringing snow to the desert, this week sees the opening at Expo 2020 Dubai (rescheduled from last year) of JKMM Architects’ Finland Pavilion, which is inspired by Finnish nature, design and innovation. The building – known as ‘Snow Cape’ – has as its theme ‘Sharing Future Happiness’ and will highlight Finland’s commitment to sustainability and its deep connection with nature, as well as ensuring a memorable visitor experience.
“在设计展馆时,我们想将芬兰的一部分大自然带到迪拜。展馆的灵感来自于初冬时覆盖芬兰景观的一层薄薄的白色初雪。在芬兰语中,它被称为“Lumi”,意为雪。正门的灵感来自传统的阿拉伯帐篷。两种文化在展馆的建筑概念中相逢。希望这将为世博会带来最好的面对面交流的空间。- JKMM建筑事务所创始人/创意合伙人Teemu Kurkela”
TeemuKurkela, Founder and Creative Partner at JKMM Architects, explains:
“In designing the pavilion, we sought to bring a fragment of Finnish nature to UAE and Dubai. The pavilion was inspired by the thin white layer of first snow that covers the Finnish landscape at the beginning of winter. In Finnish, it is called 'Lumi', which means snow. The main entrance was inspired by a traditional Arabic tent. Two cultures meet in the architectural concept of the pavilion. Hopefully, this will be the best space in Expo for meeting face-to-face.”
A visit to the pavilion will activate all human senses, both through the spatial design and the materials. The soft and light façade fabric will be in strong contrast to the hard granite floor tiles. Water in dark ‘lakes’ (shallow water pools) will create gentle sounds and cool the air around them. Overall, the experience will evoke Finland’s clean water and fresh air.
芬兰是第一个制定循环经济路线的国家,JKMM 在雪角的设计和建造中始终恪守这些原则。可持续性是贯穿整个设计和施工过程的指导主题。除了有限的材料运输自芬兰外,“雪角”几乎完全使用当地采购的材料建造,从而减少了不必要的物流和运输带来的环境负担。结束后也不会立马拆除。它积极地为展馆的设计提供了信息,包括世博会后结构的寿命计划。
Finland was the first country to create a roadmap to a circular economy and JKMM have stayed true to these principles in the design and construction of Snow Cape. Sustainability was a guiding theme throughout the design and construction process. With the exception of a limited number of Finnish materials being imported, Snow Cape was built almost entirely using locally sourced material, thereby reducing the environmental burden caused by unnecessary logistics and transportation. Nor was dismantling an afterthought; it actively informed the pavilion’s design, including plans for the structure’s life after Expo.
The building interweaves several ideas. The pavilion is a fragment of FinnishNature, symbolically bringing into the desert the snow, granite, forests, and water that characterise the country.Cultureis celebrated by Snow Cape’s tentlike form, which makes reference to Finland’s own nomadic heritage. The structure’s exterior and interior are a nod to Finland’s long tradition of minimalist and modernistDesign, which is informed by the building’sFunction. Snow Cape is a place ofMeetingat Expo, a calming and cool respite from the surrounding bustle. The pavilion is a metaphorical messenger from Finland, the ‘lab ofSustainability’.
Five elements are woven together in the design of the pavilion:
Cool Breezeis the sail-like signage at the pavilion’s entrance. The satin-textured aluminium surface and organic shape work visually with nearby water elements to announce a focus on nature.
2) “初雪”则是指芬兰馆结构简单但引人注目的外观,让人联想到雪披风和帐篷的开口。张紧的工业织物的纯白色最大限度地减少了太阳能增益并提供遮阳条件。
First Snowcharacterises the structure’s simple, but striking, appearance that simultaneously evokes a snow cape and the opening to a tent. The tensioned industrial fabric’s pure white colourminimises solar gain and offers shelter from the sun.
Wooden Heartis a central gorge-like space carved into the building and designed as a hub for face-to-face meetings. Sculptural in nature, it is defined by its curved slatted-wooden surfaces and water droplet-shaped oculus. The material’s gentle shaping and tactile quality continue the tradition of shaping wood found in iconic Finnish design classics and works of art.
4) “冰冻艺术”的灵感来自芬兰冰冻湖泊上的圆盘状冰,在馆内体现在水中和地面的芬兰花岗岩瓷砖(低碳和 100% 可回收)。“冰冻艺术”由各种标本组成,是对气候变化引起的北欧冰雪融化敲响的警钟。
Frozen Art, taking inspiration from the disk-shaped ice on Finland’s frozen lakes, is the name given to the Finnish granite tiles (low-carbon and 100 per cent recyclable) found inside the pavilion, as well as in and around the water features. Composed from a variety of specimens, Frozen Art is poignant reference to climate change-induced Nordic snow- and ice-melt.
5) “淡水”是指展馆前的两个水池。它们被想象成湖泊(芬兰188,000 个湖中的两个),淡水能够冷却环境并加强芬兰人与自然的接触。
Fresh Wateris the name given to the pools in front of the pavilion. Representing two lakes (Finland has some 188,000), the water cools the air and reinforces the Finnish engagement with nature.
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展馆内部的简单设计(精简的外壳)最大限度地减少了不必要的额外覆层,使 JKMM 能够减少材料的整体使用。芬兰商务部最近证实,该结构将保留五年,之后其建筑中使用的 80-85% 的材料都将被回收和再利用。
The simple design of the pavilion’s interiors (a pared-down shell) minimises unnecessary additional claddings, enabling JKMM to reduce the overall use of materials. Business Finland has recently confirmed that the structure will remain in situ for a further five years, after which 80–85 per cent of the materials used in its construction will be recycled and reused.
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“我们希望造访“雪角”的游客能够沉浸在我们与自然和可持续发展的深厚联系中。整个展馆和展览设计都展示了芬兰的幸福、循环经济和创新价值观。” 2020 年迪拜世博会芬兰总专员 SeveriKeinälä 称。
“We want visitors to Snow Cape to immerse themselves in our deep connection to nature and sustainability. The Finnish values of happiness, circular economy and innovations are being showcased throughout the pavilion and exhibition design.”says SeveriKeinälä, Commissioner General of Finland at Expo 2020 Dubai.
多家芬兰企业积极参与建设芬兰展馆,包括通力(门和定制电梯)和 Halton Group(展览通风系统)。他们的领导人以及在 Snow Cape 展出的 100 多家芬兰公司的领导人一致认为,这是实现芬兰努力实现的可持续发展成功和循环经济目标的关键基石。
Several Finnish companies have been actively involved in the construction of the Finnish
pavilion, including KONE (doors and bespoke lifts) and Halton Group (exhibition air ventilation system). Their leaders, alongside those of the over 100 Finnish companies exhibiting within Snow Cape, understand that they are key cornerstones in achieving the sustainability success and circular economy goals for which Finland strives.
环绕“雪角”的展览空间,有一个53 米长的电影放映空间,可以看到一个在世界上最幸福的国家长大的女孩的生活。这个完整的全景故事情节辅以吸顶灯装置形式的沉浸式体验、生动的音频景观和精心策划的展品。 由Futudesign、Sun Effects、Flatlight Creative House 和 JKMM Architects合作设计,它传达了人、纯自然和技术之间的共生如何带来幸福。
Looping around Snow Cape’s exhibition space, a 53-meter-long film display opens a window to see glimpses of life events of a girl growing up in the world’s happiest country. This full panoramic storyline is complimented by an immersive experience in forms of a ceiling light installation, enlivening audio scape and carefully curated exhibits. An exhibition design collaboration between Futudesign, Sun Effects, Flatlight Creative House and JKMM Architects, it communicates how a symbiosis between people, pure nature and technology can lead to greater happiness.
Project name: Finland Pavilion Dubai Expo 2020
Company name: JKMM Architects
Press contacts:
Laura Iloniemi
+ 44 (0) 795 735 1890
+ 358 (0) 40 828 1019
Location: Dubai, UAE
Function: Cafe, Conference facilities, Exhibition galleries, Multifunctional spaces, Offices, Shop, VIP premises
Size: 1867 m2
Status: Competition 1st Prize, Completed - 2021
Client: Business Finland
Photo credits: Marc Goodwin
更新日期:2021-10-22 15:35:57
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