In order to promote the sustainable development of habitat landscape and the exchange and interaction of the habitat landscape industry, LA-Zhou Media Platform, LA Bang Media Platform, Hhlloo Design and Thailand Landscape Architecture Association (TALA), jointly initiated the establishment of the Asia Habitat Landscape Award (AHLA). The panel of jury chairman consists of international experts, academic experts, and real estate experts, who are invited to select and honor the practical works, development enterprises, design institutions, and designers in the field of habitat landscape in Asia, especially in China, from multiple dimensions such as people-oriented, ecological health, and humanistic art, and to lead the development direction of the habitat landscape field. We started to collect works from all over the world since 2020, and we will organize one selection every year. Meanwhile, we will hold the Asia Habitat Landscape Conference to build an exchange event for the whole habitat landscape field, including academic media, real estate municipalities, design and engineering, products and materials, etc.
The Asia Habitat Landscape Award (AHLA) is based in China, Asia and the world, aiming to be the international award for the habitat landscape field. Therefore, we have invited numerous global landscape experts, academic experts and real estate experts to evaluate the entries, organizations and designers to conduct a high standard of review, which is not only a professional landscape award, but also an international, academic exhibition and exchange platform.
申报企业 | Participating Companies
AHLA 亚洲人居景观奖2020届,来自亚洲地区218家企业参与申报,包含境内外设计院、地产开发商、工程企业、供应商等全产业链参与,其中一家企业最多申报43项奖项,感谢所有申报单位的支持,以下为各申报单位企业logo展示。期待2021届更多企业参与申报。
01、人居景观设计 Habitat Landscape Design
交付大区类 Built Residential Area
综合社区、住宅交付大区等 Residential community.
实景展示类 Built Residential Building
别墅、高层等实体建成住宅 Villa, High-rise residential buildings.
美学体验类 Exhibition Area
体验中心、售楼中心等展示区 Exhibition center, Sales center.
公共市政类 Public Design
公园、绿地、广场、滨水、廊道、校园、城市更新等 Park, Green area, Plaza, Waterfront landscape, Green Corridor, Campus, Urban renovation
文旅酒店类 Resort & Hotel Design
文旅小镇、酒店、景区、乡建民宿等 Tourist town, Hotel, Tourist resort, Guesthouse
商业办公类 Commercial Design
商业综合体、商业街、TOD、办公园区、产业园等 Commercial complex, High street, TOD, Office campus
公园、绿地、广场、滨水、廊道、校园等 Park, Green area, Plaza, Waterfront landscape, Green Corridor, Campus
产品研发、专利技术、专利产品等 Product Development, Patent
04、年度企业/年度人物 (建议改成年度荣誉) Honorable Mention of the Year
年度设计企业 Design Enterprise of the Year
年度杰出设计企业、年度创新设计企业 Design Enterprise of the Year, Innovative Design Enterprise of the Year
年度工程企业 Construction Enterprise of the Year
年度杰出工程企业、年度品质工程企业(这两个英语翻译出来是一样的,建议一个就好) Construction Enterprise of the Yea
年度供应商企业 Supplier of the Year
年度产品设计企业、年度建材企业 Product Design Enterprises of the Year, Construction Material Enterprise of the Year
年度人物 Person of the Year
年度杰出设计师、年度新锐设计师、年度匠心工程师 Designer of the Year, Design Newcomer of the Year, Constructer of the Year
AHLA are divided into three categories, including Habitat Landscape Design, Habitat Landscape Construction and Habitat Landscape Special Design, each with Gold Award, Silver Award and Excellence Award The number of Gold and Silver Awards will not exceed 10 respectively for each specific category according to the number of declared projects. There will be no gold and silver awards for the Honorable Mention of the Year category.
初评 Preliminary evaluation:
The assessment combines the comprehensive public reading points (5-10 points), and preliminary jury chairman group scores (100-point system), after which jury chairman group selects the finalist by comprehensive scores.
终评 Final Evaluation:
The international expert jury, academic expert jury, real estate experts and professional jury will select from finalist and evaluate the winning projects of Gold and Silver Awards.
Application Date: October 2020
Application Deadline: December 31, 2020
Preliminary Finalists: January 2021
Final Evaluation: March 2021
Award Ceremony & Asia Habitat Landscape Conference: May 2021
Please contact our staffs for detailed application materials.