WANNA为Formica创造了“Cozy Bunker”,这是第一个让人不想离开的地堡。
WANNA creates “Cozy Bunker” for Formica, the first bunker that you don’t want to leave
全球房地产行业对地堡及其建设的兴趣正在蓬勃发展。这种为即将到来的全球崩溃做准备的普遍需求促使创意工作室 WANNA 提出这样的问题:室内设计可以在紧急居住空间中提供什么应对措施?答案是“Cozy Bunker”,这是对地下避难所的重新诠释,它与 Formica 公司一起亮相第 59 届 Casa Decor 展。
Interest in bunkers and their construction is booming in the global real estate sector. This widespread need to prepare for an imminent global collapse has prompted the creative studio WANNA to ask: What response could interior design provide in emergency living spaces? The answer is "Cozy Bunker," a reinterpretation of an underground shelter with which, alongside the company Formica, is present at the 59th edition of Casa Decor.
灵感来自野兽主义建筑,Cozy Bunker重新诠释了一个与世隔绝的躲藏之所,它在极端情况下作为躲藏之所,用于断开与外界的联系。这个项目邀请我们通过将两个先前不相容的概念结合起来重新思考地堡设计:幸福和生存。基于这种概念上的双重性,该空间提出了一种对立的对话。一方面,入口走廊的坚固建筑,外观石头般,传达了安全感和不可及性。另一方面,庇护所内部包裹的极简主义和色彩温暖唤起了放松和希望的感觉,提供了一种愉快的体验,帮助人们摆脱外界发生的事情。
Inspired by brutalist architecture, Cozy Bunker reinterprets a subterranean refuge that serves as a hideout in extreme situations as a hiding place to disconnect. The project invites us to rethink bunker design by combining two previously incompatible concepts: well-being and survival. Based on this conceptual duality, the space proposes a dialogue between opposites. On the one hand, the solid construction of the access corridor, with a stony appearance, conveys security and inaccessibility. On the other hand, the enveloping minimalism and chromatic warmth of the shelter's interior evoke relaxation and hope, providing a pleasant experience to help abstract from what is happening outside.
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The project, entirely built with high-pressure laminates from Formica, metallic laminates from Homapal, and innovative surfaces from FENIX, showcases the great versatility of these materials in terms of design, geometries, and volumes, as well as their richness of colors and finishes. For the design, WANNA starts from principles such as playing with heights, taking advantage of the four and a half meters of space, structural solidity, indirect light, and volumetrics.
Project / Proyecto Cozy Bunker
Design / Diseño:
Instagram: wannarockyou.com
+34 619 345 549
Photographer / Fotógrafo:
Javier de Paz García / ESTUDIOBALLOON
Website: www.estudioballoon.es
Instagram: @javierdepazgarcia
Who has the copyright of the images? / Copyright de las imágenes:
The Photographer: Javier de Paz García
Client / Cliente:
Formica Group
Location of the project / Ubicación del proyecto
Casa Decor 2024 (Francisco Silvela, 82. Madrid - Spain)
Completion date / Fecha de finalización:
Total area / superficie total
Spatial materiality (coverings, walls…) / Materialidad del espacio (paredes, revestimientos…)
Formica (with high-pressure laminates / laminados de alta presión)
HOMAPAL (metalic laminates / laminados metálicos)
Fenix (innovative surfaces /superficies innovadoras)
Collaborators / Colaboradores
Bathco (faucets / grifería)
Maison Margiela (candles / velas)
Bang & Olufsen (speakers / altavoces)
Leroy Merlin (fireplace / chimenea)
Rigo Pex (music / música)
DIMO STAND (building / construcción)
Lighting / luminarias
Häfele (LED Lighting / iluminación LED)
Barrisol (lighted ceiling / techo luminoso)
Furniture / Mobiliario
更新日期:2024-05-22 17:36:45
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