“我们的目标是星辰大海” - 罗伯特·海因莱因
Our goal is the Starry Ocean - Robert Heinlein
“Sci-Fi: Narratives of the Unknown and Future Dreams”
In the vast realm of science fiction, the theme of alien invasion remains central, reflecting both humanity’s deep-seated fears of the unknown and our boundless curiosity about the cosmos.
From the mid-20th century, American sci-fi has often reflected societal anxieties, with aliens symbolizing Cold War fears. Now, advancements in AI and space tech have rekindled sci-fi’s popularity. Discussions on Mars colonization, space travel, black holes, and dark matter have sparked broad interest in future space ventures, propelling humanity’s cosmic understanding forward.
Sci-fi themes of alien invasions have greatly enriched our culture and spurred technological progress. As we delve deeper into the cosmos, these imaginative concepts will continue to inspire our spirit of exploration, leading us towards a future brimming with endless possibilities.
The Memory-Crafting Lab
在这个时代,科幻不仅仅是一种文学或电影的体裁,它是一种体验,一种让人们逃离现实,沉浸在无尽宇宙奥秘中的旅程。我们试图打造的,是一个科幻感主题性的Party K空间,它将不仅仅是一个聚会的场所,而是一个让玩家完全沉浸的异世界。在这个世界里,玩家们不需要扮演特定的角色,也没有预设的任务或NPC的引导。相反,他们将通过空间本身所营造的氛围,自然地融入到这个科幻的世界中。
Sci-fi is now an immersive experience, not just a genre. We’re crafting a Party K space that’s more than a venue—it’s a fully immersive sci-fi world. Here, players don’t play roles or follow quests; they become part of the universe through the space’s ambiance.”
Music will serve as the bridge between reality and the sci-fi world. As lights change with the rhythm and galaxies on the walls pulsate with the music, consumers will naturally raise their arms, sing, and release their hidden emotions, experiencing the passion of interstellar struggle. Their participation brings the story to a climax, as they raise their voices in a cathartic expression of defiance.
01故事 篇章
我们以外星水母入侵地球为故事起源。以科幻叙事和数字艺术的形式去定义 PARTY - K 的体验空间. 故事分为四个篇章/ 依次简要介绍。
Story Chapters - We begin our tale with an invasion of alien jellyfish on Earth. Using science fiction narrative and digital art, we define the experiential space of PARTY-K. The story unfolds in four chapters, briefly introduced as follows:
02 未来世界的科技奇迹
Technological marvels of the future world destiny.
In a future journey through the stars, human courage and wisdom lead to a mysterious planet where the City of Time, a technological marvel, symbolizes the future with its unimaginable advancements.
Deep within the city lies a secret door to the unknown, a weaver of time linking the past and future, key to unlocking the mysteries of destiny.
03 命运之轮
Wheel of Fortune fate.
Explorers discovered the Secret Door’s access to alternate timelines and futures, and recognized the City of Time’s imminent technological and energy collapse. They harnessed futuristic tech to uncover the city’s origins and the door’s wisdom, aiming to control time and fate.
04 未来的能量中转站-守护者
Guardians of the Future Energy Hub
The explorers found a cosmic energy hub in the City of Time, linking different universes and holding the galaxy’s life force. A menacing black hole now endangers the city and the Secret Door, and the team must swiftly find a way to avert the crisis.
05 黑洞危机与救赎-时光之城
Black Hole Crisis and Redemption - City of Time
The team found that the energy station is linked to black hole formation and can counteract them. They channeled the station’s energy into the black hole’s core, averting disaster for the City of Time and the Secret Door, and stabilizing the universe.
“我们都是由星尘组成的。” —— 卡尔·萨根
- END -
项目名称:OS Party K
主创设计师:韩磊 黃德斌
品牌顾问:OS Party K
项目视频:OS Party K
更新日期:2024-12-18 15:37:53
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