▽场地鸟瞰 Aerial View of the Site
▽建筑鸟瞰 Aerial View of the Architecture
Surrounded by expansive cornfields and encased in green mountains and rivers, the site offers a unique pastoral landscape. This is a practice of rebuilding and revitalizing rural agricultural buildings. The project preserves the original rammed-earth structure and integrates it with newly constructed steel, concrete, and wood structural systems into a cohesive architectural form, merging functional spaces with a structural logic. The resulting Corn Station serves as a showcase for corn, a logistical hub, and a community space for villagers to relax and interact after their work.
▽驿站主入口 Main Entrance of the Courier Station
▽农忙期间的驿站Courier Station During the Busy Farming Period
▽村民在驿站的互动 Villagers' Interaction at the Courier Station
The cornfield and the village:
As a rural agricultural building and public place, the courier station is located in the cornfield outside the village, and is in a delicate relationship with the village. It not only provides temporary stacking for transshipment corn, but also provides supporting services such as scientific research and tea breaks for villagers.
▽东游玉米驿站总平区位 Master Plan of Dongyou Corn Courier Station
▽驿站与村庄的关系 he Relationship Between the Courier Station and the Village
▽玉米地中的枢纽关系 Pivotal Relationships in Cornfields
The site, adjacent to the road, was originally composed of two single-storey rammed earth buildings and a temporary structure, which were used as farm tool houses.
▽东游玉米驿站总平区位 The Master Plan of the Dongyou Corn Courier Station
▽改造前现场原状 The Site Before Renovation
▽改造前原始图 Before Renovation
▽建筑与道路的顺应关系The Adaptive Relationship Between Architecture and Road
2、空间再组织Spatial reorganization:
According to the needs and site conditions, we retained the rammed earth part and reconstructed the system within it, growing from the inside out: the steel structure of the north side of the building is used for the exhibition hall and the live broadcast room; The south side of the building is a research room, a seminar area and a drinking area, with a large span and a concrete structure to improve the rigidity. The two are connected in series through gray spaces such as atriums and platform viewing areas.
▽东游玉米驿站爆炸图 Generating animation of Dongyou Corn Courier Station
▽楼梯之间的串联关系 The Tandem Relationship Between the Stairs
▽串联两栋楼的灰空间 The Gray Space That Connects the Two Buildings
▽灰空间呈现的宽幅扁平画 Wide& Flat view Through Gray Space
Only a new partition wall was built on the first floor of the original building, which separated the three functions of exhibition, scientific research and publicity activities. The second floor is a new addition, with observation decks, winding staircases and corridors forming an outdoor leisure area.
▽二楼观景平台 Viewing platform on the second floor
▽二层户外休闲场所 Outdoor Relaxing Place on the Second Floor
▽二层连廊 Corridor on the Second Floor
▽曲折楼梯 Winding Staircase
▽曲折楼梯的悬挑关系 The Cantilevered Relationship of the Winding staircase
3、延续肌理 Continues the texture:
The rammed earth wall reflects the original natural texture, and the niche is left as much as possible on the newly built lining wall, which can not only be used as a layer platform, but also expose the mottled and rough historical texture of the original rammed earth, so that the old rammed earth and the new wall have a dialogue of time and space.
▽夯土墙与砖墙的构造节点 The Node Between the Rammed Earth Wall and the Brick Wall
▽保留夯土墙的施工过程 Construction Process of the Preserved Rammed Earth Walls
▽内衬砖墙开洞口作壁龛 Lined Brick Wall with a Hole as a Niche
▽利用双层墙厚设计的带坐凳门连窗 Double-walled Design with Stool Doors and Windows
4、新承旧念 Innovation rooted in tradition:
The original first-floor rammed earth structure and the new second-story structure space are like a dialogue between the old and the new. The preserved part carries the weight of history, is the old foundation, and is deeply rooted in this land. The second floor is like a young shoot, breaking through the ground, not sticking to the old constraints, boldly extending outward, growing towards the sun and the future, full of vitality.
▽玉米地中看驿站 The Courier Station in the Cornfield
▽一层与二层新旧对话 Dialogue between the old and the new
▽破土而出的新生 The New Life That Broke Through the Ground
After completion, the courier station is used as a rural building supporting agriculture, which not only satisfies the original function, but also stimulates the vitality of the countryside and drives the villagers to change their traditional thoughts. The natural beauty and new lifestyle have attracted many people from other places to come and play, and the special corn tea drink has also taken root in the local area.
▽落地生根的驿站 The Courier Station That Has Taken Root
▽一楼展示区 Exhibition Area on the First Floor
▽二楼畅饮区 Drinking Area on the Second Floor
The transformation and replacement of the original agricultural model and products, and the establishment of the corn station, gave birth to a new production, processing and sales mode, realizing the upgrading of the entire corn industry chain. This dialogue between the old and the new is not only reflected in the replacement of buildings and sites, but also in the inheritance and innovation of culture.
▽乡村农业建筑的新承旧念 Innovation Rooted in Tradition Rural Agricultural Building
▽转运玉米临时堆放场地Temporary Storage Site for Transshipment Corn
▽二楼直播间带来新的销售模式 The Live Broadcast Room on the Second Floor Brings a New Sales Mode
▽混凝土与木材的碰撞 Collision between concrete and wood
▽总平面图 Master Plan
▽一层平面图 Floor Plan
▽二层平面图 The Second Floor Plan
▽屋顶层平面图 Roof Plan
▽立面图 Facade
▽墙身大样图 Wall Detail
更新日期:2025-01-02 15:46:34
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