公司: | M4 Project bureau | 类型: | 建筑 |
地区: | 俄罗斯 | 标签: | 公共空间 |
雅尔塔是俄罗斯最著名的疗养城市之一。Sovetskaya 广场重建项目旨在打造一个现代化的重要公共空间,以吸引当地居民和游客。
Yalta is one of the most prominent resort towns in Russia. Reconstruction project of Sovetskaya Square was designed to create a modern significant public space to attract both locals and tourists of the town.
改造后的广场分为三个有意义的区域,每个区域都有自己的功能内容。三个区域象征了疗养城市的三个组成部分,也就是三个自然元素: 大海、疗养空气和该地区丰富的植物群。
The renovated square is divided into three meaningful zones, each with its own functional content. Three zones symbolize the three components of the resort, the three natural elements - the sea, therapeutic air and rich flora of the area.
因此,在 "大海"区有一个喷水池,它对该地区的小气候产生了有益的影响,并保持了过去景观设计的继承性。如今,人们可以与该区域进行互动: 孩子们在喷泉的喷雾中嬉戏,沿着人行道散步。
Thus, in the "Sea" zone there is a fountain, which has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the area and maintains continuity with the landscaping of the past years. Nowadays it is possible to interact with the area – children play among the low jets of the fountain and walk along the walkways, which, like pebbles, scattered on the side.
附近的露天剧场建在一个天然的洼地上,提供在遮阳伞下放松的机会。遮阳伞被制作成苏联现代主义时代深受人们喜爱的 "蘑菇帽",同时与建筑物的外墙互相呼应。遮阳伞采用绿色植物,为极具辨识度的现代主义风格增添了现代感。
The nearby amphitheater, built in a place of the natural relief dip, offers relaxation under parasols, stylized as “mushroom caps”, so beloved in the era of Soviet modernism and at the same time echoing the facades of buildings. The parasols are made with elements of greenery, which adds a modern touch to the recognizable modernist form.
在 "空气"区,有一个室外活动空间,其铺设的节奏和色调与周围的建筑相呼应。
在 "植物群"区,自然形态的绿色 "岛屿 "错落有致,在主干道附近营造出安静的绿地。
In the “Air” zone there is an outdoor event space whose rhythms and shade of paving respond to the surrounding buildings.
In the “Flora” zone, green "islands" of free natural form have been scattered and quiet green areas have been created near the main transit routes.
During implementation, the administration decided to place a bank branch on the site of the planned parking lot, which partially replaced the shopping pavilion that was not built within the first phase of construction and created an additional point of attraction in the square.
Sovetskaya Square has always been an important transit area linking residential areas with the most popular recreational area, the embankment. Nevertheless, after the project implementation, the square became interesting alone. The square became the place where сitizens wish to stay longer for a quiet rest, hiding in the shade from the bright sun, involving kids in active games and participating in city events.
建筑面积 (m2): 21659.8
照明: LiDS 公司,
绿化: List 设计事务所,
公园导视: Creative agency “nOne branding & digital”
图片来源:Ilya Teplov
更新日期:2024-01-29 17:06:10
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