朴乔景观 : 项目位于重庆市渝北区,以美式红砖建筑为基调,景观希望将常春藤院校的空间特点以及雕塑、草地等典型元素植入场地,结合经典时尚符号,展现一个符合现代审美格调的学院风精神场所。
POPJOY: The project is located in Yubei District, Chongqing. American architecture with red bricks as the keynote. The landscape is designed to combine the spatial characteristics and landscape elements of the Ivy League, combining classic fashion symbols to showcase a modern aesthetic style.
“preppy look ”译为学院风、预科生风格,通常指的是在读或者即将进入“常春藤”院校就读的学生的穿衣风格。它作为一种上流社会精英的标志,风靡上世纪80年代,代表着干净、内敛、有品位的特质,追求一种不张扬的知性魅力。
“preppy look” translates into a college style, preppy style, usually refers to the dressing style of students who are reading or about to enter the “Ivy” college.
The front field is designed as an open courtyard space, and the sculptures representing the spirit of Ivy League are used to shape the memory of the college. The classic school mottos and famous words of each school are transformed into landscape elements. The pavement comes from Burberry classic plaid style, aiming to create fashion. , intellectual square space.
The "maze" is a metaphor for the spiritual journey. The backcourt space is different from the previous project. The "maze" is used to express the spirit of the scholars to explore the self, showing a quiet world where people can meditate and explore the mysteries of knowledge.
The pattern originates from the ground of Chartres Cathedral. People think that the maze is the place to discover the self. The path to the center in this maze is the longest, so the fast arrival is not its focus, the focus is on thinking and experience in walking.
The painter Raphael recalls the highly ideal golden age through the mural "The School of Athens", which embodies the artist's praise for those who pursue wisdom and truth. We hope that the spirit of exploration and truth-seeking represented by the "preppy look" will remain in people's lives for a long time.
摄 影:Holi河狸景观摄影
Project name: Campus Mansion
Landscape design:Popjoy
landscape area: 10000m²
Project location: Yubei District, Chongqing
Completion date: July 2018
Photograph: Holi photography
更新日期:2019-06-20 17:51:42
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