公司: | Lagranja Design | 类型: | 室内 |
地区: | 直布罗陀 | 标签: | 办公室 |
XAPO(发音为'Sapo')为加密货币提供在线银行服务。该公司的董事Wences Casares委托Lagranja工作室创建他们的旗舰总部;这是XAPO的第一个实体总部,也是Lagranja对历史建筑的第一次改造。
XAPO (pronounced ‘Sapo’) provides online banking services for cryptocurrencies. The company’s director, Wences Casares, commissioned Lagranja studio to create their flagship headquarters; the first physical HQ for XAPO, and the first transformation of a historical building for Lagranja.
XAPO位于直布罗陀老中心的一个旧军营内。建筑物的后部与原来的城墙和防御塔的残余部分相邻,而正面则面向Grand Casemates广场,一个有许多户外酒吧和餐馆的热闹的社交中心。这一系列的军营(或称 "casemates")是由英国军队在1817年建造的,是这个曾经设防的城市中保存最完整的军事建筑之一。Lagranja发现这些军营处于半毁坏状态,其历史意义未被重视,并渴望有新的用途。作为项目的一部分,毗邻Xapo的一个海湾将作为艺术和文化活动的公共区域而重生。
A singular location
XAPO Is situated inside an old army barracks in the heart of Gibraltar’s old center, in the shadow of its famous rock. The rear of the structure is adjoined to the remnants of the original city walls and defense towers, while the front facade faces Grand Casemates Square - a lively social hub with many out outdoor bars and restaurants. The series of barracks (or ‘casemates’) were built by the British army in 1817, and are among the most preserved of the military buildings that characterize this once fortified town. Lagranja found the barracks in a semi-ruined state, unappreciated for their historical significance and crying out for a new use. As part of the project, one of the bays adjoining Xapo will be reborn as a public area for art and cultural events.
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The project
The main intent of the project was to give XAPO – a company that operates wholly in the digital domain – a physical headquarters and presence. The company occupies two arched bays of the barracks complex – measuring 800 square meters in total – constructed in local limestone, with ceilings supported by original wooden beams. The original beams and the stone walls were cleaned and restored to their natural state, providing the space with the feel of an ancient bank vault. Using the intersection of archeology and modern design as a starting point, Lagranja studio has restored reinvented the bays with a contemporary office layout and furniture and décor made with digital processes; a metaphor in itself for the rapid, tech-driven transformation of banking and currency.
The interior design scheme
Harmony, functionality, respect for the structure’s antiquity, and an element of surprise guided the design project. Clients enter XAPO from the main square to the bay, which is now a reception area. Shallow pools flank either side, adding a counterbalance to the structure’s lack of height, and lending luminosity to a dark space. At night, laser beams crisscross the pools and reception area, which is an added bonus for the public, who can view the installation from the square outside.
在右边,通过原来的石拱门进入的是XAPO "银行";一些自动柜员机,客户可以管理他们的网络货币交易。它的后面是带有厨房和休息区的会议室。海湾的远端通向一个有墙的天井,该天井最初是一个防御塔底部的火药储存设施。天井里有花园墙和烧烤区,天井的设计既是为了休闲,也是为了工作,或者是为了这两种活动结合的场合。XAPO总部的办公室集中在天井周围,由玻璃屏风隔开,以保证透明度和流畅性。
To the right, and entered via the original stone arches, is the XAPO ‘bank’; a number of automatic tellers where clients can manage their cyber currency transactions. Behind it is the boardroom with a kitchenette and lounge area. The far end of the bay opens out onto a walled patio that originally served as a gun powder storage facility at the base of a defense tower. With a garden wall and BBQ area, the patio was conceived as much for leisure as for work, or for occasions when the two activities combine. The office of XAPO HQ is clustered around the patio, partitioned by glass screens for transparency and fluidity.
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Artful furniture and details made to order
The majority of bespoke furniture was 3D printed in Barcelona using bio corn-based plastic. Modular in form and gently textured in appearance, the idea was to create a sense of community and a casual narrative where all spaces are harmonious.
Standout pieces include the reception desk and room divider in the waiting room of the banking area, which were created with an interwoven composition of earth-colored, semi-circular shapes. The supports of the robust boardroom table resemble giant amphorae, a form echoed in podiums placed in the shallow pools. The textile upholstery for the softly rounded Lagranja-designed furniture was chosen for its natural composition and warm colors, instilling an inviting contemporary-living feel within a new breed of corporate space.
Project: XAPO
Design Firm: Lagranja Design
Client: Xapo Limited
Location: Grand Casemates Square, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Area: 800m2
Photo Credit: Lagranjadesign
更新日期:2021-07-30 11:01:38
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