赫尔辛基双年展展馆位于芬兰赫尔辛基南港,获得了建筑大师奖™(AMP),这是一个表彰国际上各个建筑学科的设计奖项。竞赛中提交的每项设计都由受人尊敬的 AMP 评审团进行评估。由Verstas建筑事务所设计的赫尔辛基双年展展馆获得了建筑设计-文化建筑类别的认可。2021年,该展馆成为在瓦利萨里岛举办的赫尔辛基双年展艺术节的入口。前往 Vallisaari 的渡轮从毗邻展馆的码头出发,赫尔辛基双年展展馆将在明年夏天的第二届双年展期间再次为艺术节的参观者服务。
The Helsinki Biennial Pavilion, located at the South Harbor of Helsinki in Finland, has received the Architecture MasterPrize™ (AMP) honoring international designs in various disciplines of architecture. Each submitted design in the competition was evaluated by an esteemed AMP Jury. The Helsinki Biennial Pavilion, designed by Verstas Architects, was recognized in the Architectural Design - Cultural Architecture category. In 2021, the pavilion served as the entry point to the Helsinki Biennial art festival, which took place on Vallisaari island. The ferry to Vallisaari departs from a pier adjoining the pavilion, and the Helsinki Biennial Pavilion will once again serve art festival visitors next summer during the second biennial.
▽赫尔辛基双年展鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the Helsinki Biennale.
The goal of Verstas Architects´ design was to create a free, open space for everyone. As a collective space, the pavilion unites people for social interaction and small, temporary events, while also providing shelter and a serene respite from the bustling city. Accessible all year round, the pavilion provides a public open-air urban living room space where one can pause and enjoy the presence of the sea in the heart of the city.
▽船与船之间的风景,view between boats.
▽北立面,the north elevation.
▽南立面,the south elevation.
展馆的首席设计师 Jussi Palva 描述道:“Vallisaari 岛独特的池塘由天然岩石形成,是独一无二的。这些池塘是在冰河时代形成的,当冰融化时,岩石的圆周运动在悬崖上雕刻出海湾。岩石的这种圆形运动创造了池塘大小的现存形式。这些元素是我们设计展馆时的灵感来源。我们的目标是将群岛的自然风光带入港口。”
The principal designer of the pavilion, Jussi Palva, describes the design process: “The distinctive ponds of Vallisaari island, created by natural rocks, are unique. The ponds were formed during the ice age when the circular motion of the rocks carved bays on the cliffs when the ice melted. This round movement of rocks has created exiting forms that are the size of pond. These elements were our inspiration when designing the pavilion. Our aim was to bring a piece of the archipelago´s nature to the harbor."
▽赫尔辛基双年展展馆、庭院和室外礼堂,The Helsinki Biennial Pavilion, the yard and outdoor auditorium.
▽主要入口, the main entrance.
The pavilion is made of wood, a material traditionally used for buildings and boats in the archipelago. As a locally available material with a capacity to store carbon, wood is ecologically sustainable and long lasting in the northern climate.
▽内部,the interior.
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展馆的设计过程由数字3D 建筑模型指导,并记录在视频中。展馆的预制模块建在一个港口小镇的木匠工厂里,通过海运直接装到现场进行安装。起初,打算在每届双年展后拆除展馆。这促使我们决定使用预制的木制构件制作展馆,这些构件可以很容易地通过船只搬运。然而,人们很快意识到,如果让展馆全年都矗立在原地,它将发挥更大的作用。
The fabrication process of the pavilion was guided by a digital 3D building model and was documented on video. Built in a carpenter’s workshop in a small harbor town, the prefabricated modules for the pavilion were shipped by sea and loaded directly onto the site for installation. At first, the intention was to have the pavilion dismantled after each Biennial. This prompted the decision to make the pavilion with prefabricated wooden elements that can easily be moved around by ship. However, it was quickly realized that the pavilion has a much bigger role to play if left to stand in place all year round.
▽在木匠的作坊里建造亭子,Building the pavilion in a carpenter’s workshop.
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在 Vallisaari 岛上举办的赫尔辛基双年展是城市战略的一部分,目的是让群岛更容易接近,展馆的设计目的是为城市中的活动提供一个固定点位。这是一座允许保留到 2024 年的临时建筑。展馆的设计师 Verstas建筑事务所,以阿尔托大学新校区和芬兰埃斯波的 Saunalahti 学校等建筑而闻名。由 Verstas Architects 设计的 Vuosaari 高中是赫尔辛基最多语言元素的高中,也获得了2022年建筑大师奖(AMP)的荣誉奖。。
The Helsinki Biennial on Vallisaari island is part of the city’s strategy to make the archipelago more accessible, and the pavilion was designed to provide an anchor point for the event in the city. It is a temporary building permitted to remain in place until 2024. The designers of the pavilion, Verstas Architects, are known for buildings such as the new Aalto University campus and Saunalahti School in Espoo Finland. Vuosaari High School by Verstas Architects, Helsinki´s most multilingual high school, also received an honorable mention by the 2022 Architecture MasterPrize™ (AMP) awards.
▽室外礼堂,the outdoor auditorium.
体积:374 m3
赫尔辛基双年展开幕:2021 6月设计团队
建筑设计:Verstas Architects
设计师:Jussi Palva(首席设计师)、VäinöNikkilä、Riina Palva和Ilkka Salminen(首席建筑师)
团队:Otto Autio、Pyry Kantonen、Mikko Rossi(项目建筑师)、Ulpu Kojo(室内建筑师)
结构工程师:Kai Palin、Valtteri Kajasniemi、Jukka Laakkonen/Expecon Oy
岩土工程师:Mirva Koskinen/赫尔辛基市/城市环境部
暖通空调工程师:Tapani Rantala/Sitowise Group Oyj
电气工程师:Kalevi Hämäläinen/Stacon Oy
交通工程师:Pekka Nikulainen/赫尔辛基市/城市环境部
消防工程师:Sami Loukkaanhuhta/Paloässät Oy
承包商:Jari Mikkola、Joona Tykkä、Ville Jouskari、Tero Palkeinen/Helsinki City Construction Services、Stara
木材车间:Mikko Suonpää/Timberpoint Oy
Project Information
Project Scale: Gross Built Area: 187 m2 ( 420 m2 with outdoor auditorium)
Volume: 374 m3
Project Schedule: Design: June 2019 – August 2020
Construction: February 2020 – October 2020
Construction completed: October 2020
Helsinki Biennial opens: June 2021
Technical sheet
Architectural design: Verstas Architects
Designers: Jussi Palva (principal designer), Väinö Nikkilä, Riina Palva ja Ilkka Salminen (lead architects)
Team: Otto Autio, Pyry Kantonen, Mikko Rossi (project architects), Ulpu Kojo (interior architect)
Structural Engineer: Kai Palin, Valtteri Kajasniemi, Jukka Laakkonen / Expecon Oy
Geotechnical Engineer: Mirva Koskinen / City of Helsinki / Urban Environment Division
HVAC Engineer: Tapani Rantala / Sitowise Group Oyj
Electrical Engineer: Kalevi Hämäläinen / Stacon Oy
Traffic Engineer: Pekka Nikulainen / City of Helsinki / Urban Environment Division
Fire Protection Engineer: Sami Loukkaanhuhta / Paloässät Oy
Contractor: Jari Mikkola, Joona Tykkä, Ville Jouskari, Tero Palkeinen / Helsinki City Construction Services, Stara
Wood Workshop: Mikko Suonpää / Timberpoint Oy
更新日期:2022-12-21 17:04:16
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