公司: | Landscape Collaboration | 类型: | 景观 |
地区: | 泰国 | 标签: | 商业空间 | 艺术装置 |
暹罗高级奥特莱斯的景观设计旨在创造一种新的户外购物中心体验,同时在场地环境中实现可持续发展。 项目位于曼谷东部的洪泛区域,靠近素万那普国际机场。 场地周围地势普遍较低,遍布沼泽和当地鱼塘。 由于与标准海平面高度几乎相同,该场地条件表明,景观设计必须考虑水位以及水资源管理。
The Siam Premium Outlet’s Landscape design was aimed to create a new outdoor shopping mall experience while creating sustainable development within the site’s contexts. The site is located on the eastern floodplain of Bangkok, near Suvarnabhumi International Airport. The Surrounding of the site was generally low level and full of swamp and existing local fish ponds. Being almost the same level as normal sea level, the site condition suggested that landscape design had to concern with water level and water management.
在许多场景中,景观设计具有保留和收集雨水的功能,并有助于削弱场地受到的洪水影响。 项目中所有的硬景和软景表面都为保留和收集水分而设计。部分未来开发的土地被指定为生态公园用地,将用于展示生态湿地、滞留池和自然生物过滤池的功能特点。
In many parts, Landscape architecture has the performance of retaining and collecting rainwater and helping mitigate floods in the site. All the surfaces of both Hardscape and Softscape were designed to retain and collect the water. Part of the future development land was designated as an Eco park where they exhibit the feature of Bioswales, retention ponds and natural bio-filtration ponds.
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景观设计师通过将场地视作“湿地”来设计,在某种程度上,景观应该在场地的各种水环境下发挥作用。 不同类型的湿地类型在每个区域都表现为不同的景观设计特征。 例如洼地、沼泽、沙丘、红树林、河流三角洲被重新诠释,并通过形成绿色植物、色彩探索装置等,与放置在廊道区域的艺术品共同赋予景观设计各种特征。
The Landscape Architect approached the project by considering the site as a metaphor of “Wetland” in a way that the landscape should be functioning with various conditions of water on site. The spectrum of different typology of wetland was represented in each zone into various Landscape design characteristics. The analogy of different kinds of wetlands such as; Lowland, Marsh, Sand Dune, Mangrove, River delta was reinterpreted and given various landscape design characteristics through formation of green planters, color exploration and art objects being placed on the promenade area.
在商业建筑之间,整个步行街是购物体验的主要通行步道。景观设计旨在让顾客在步行街闲逛时感到舒适愉快。 廊道的设计基于用户体验策略。 地面图案引导行人进行不间断的流动,同时与植物和谐地融合在一起,提供荫凉和愉快的步行空间。场地中的节点被用于在空间中创建休闲活动区域、特色座椅和特色亭。节点与流线相互作用,创造出主导整个空间的独特设计语言。 导航和定位的概念由颜色、材料选择和软景观设计以及雕塑和艺术装置精心指导。 微妙的配色变化带动了整条廊道的设计变化,同时又保持了连续统一的设计语言。
In between the Commercial building, the promenade is the main artery of the shopping experience. The landscape was designed to make the comfort of shoppers wandering through the promenade pleasant. The Promenade was designed based on a user experience strategy. The floor pattern suggested the uninterrupted flow of pedestrian walking while harmoniously blended with planters for shading and pleasant walking. The Node was identified in the space to create leisure activities, special seating areas and special kiosks. The node was interplayed with the line of flow to create the unique design language that governs the overall promenade. The concept of navigation and orientation was carefully guided by the color-coded material selection and softscape design as well as sculpture and art installation. The subtle change of color scheme creates the variation of design throughout the promenade, yet keeps the continuous singular design language.
微气候的打造是设计的主要标准,以最大限度地创造足够的绿色空间。 步道的朝向设计是为了更好的通风条件。水景的存在有助于降温的同时,也创造了良好的漫步体验。 步行长廊与一系列主要休憩空间相连。用于举办活动的主广场及一系列下沉场地为使用者提供了便利设施和绿色空间,包括供休闲活动的露天剧场庭院和下沉式游乐场。
The microclimate is the main criteria in design and maximizes green space creating enough shade. The orientation of the promenade was laid for better ventilation. The water feature was there to create a cooling effect as well as a good wandering experience. Promenade was articulated with a series of main open spaces; the main plaza for Event activities and series of sunken courts provided the amenities and greenspace for users including the Amphitheater courtyard for leisure activity and the sunken playground to support various types of users.
顶蓬是体现微气候设计思想的主要元素之一。 每个区域不同的顶蓬设计提供了遮荫,并为其下方的各种活动创造空间。 独特的顶蓬设计也可以作为不同商业区域的路标和标志。
The canopies were one of the main elements that reflected the thought of microclimate design. The series of canopies designs that differ in each zone create the shading and accommodate various activities below. The unique Canopies design also acts as wayfinding and Landmarks for different commercial zones as well.
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在总体规划层面,景观具有吸收大量降水的功能,项目地形被创造为一个“口袋”,在打造湿地景观的同时吸收尽可能多的降水。整体景观被视为湿地,因为它具有保留水分的能力。 这种方法有助于减少现场改造的工程量,并使得项目开发更加可持续。 项目的可持续方法将有助于确保商业空间的成功发展,既满足顾客的空间需求,也能够与周围环境和谐共存。
In the Master Plan level, the landscape has the function of absorbing the amount of rainfall, terrain was created as a pocket to absorb as much water while creating the wetland landscape. The overall landscape was treated as a wetland for its ability to retain the water. This approach helps reduce the amount of transformation on-site and makes the development more sustainable. The sustainable approach to the project would help ensure the success of commercial space that caters space for users and coexist well with the surrounding context.
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Project name:Siam Premium Outlets Bangkok
Company name:Landscape Collaboration.,Ltd. (LCO)
Project location:Samut Prakarn, Thailand.
Building area (m²):Phase1- 80,000 m2 (Full Phase 240,000 m2)
Other participants:
Clients: Siam Piwat Simon Co., Ltd.
Managing Architect: AO / Design Architect: Grimshaw Architects / Local Architect: Urban Architects Co., Ltd. / Canopy Design: Dong Sculpture & Sang Thong Canvas Awning / Artist: KorakotAromdee
Photo credits:RungkitCharoenwat
更新日期:2022-07-07 15:19:47
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