公司: | Meganom | Yuri Avvakumov | 类型: | 景观 |
地区: | 意大利 | 标签: | 艺术装置 |
项目由Meganom事务所与建筑师Yuri Avvakumov合作设计,Yuri Avvakumov是第十一届威尼斯建筑双年展中BornHouse展览的策划人。项目被放置在威尼斯的圣斯塔教堂内,亭子建在教堂的主殿里,围绕着阿尔维索二世-莫切尼戈的坟墓。
The project was designed by Meganom office in collaboration with architect Yuri Avvakumov, who curated BornHouse exhibition within the XI Venice Biennale of Architecture. Our object was designed to be exposed in the venetian church of San Stae. Pavilion was built in the church's main nave, around the tomb of Doge Alviso II Mocenigo.
The pavilion had a shape of a small house with gabled roof. Construction of the walls and the roof was made as a double shell of corrugated cardboard panels. Space between the two layers of carboard held hidden artefacts, seen only through the perforation in the walls. A binocular-looking pattern was cut through both external and internal layers to create an intimate visual experience. Having came closely to the perforated mesh, one could watch the artefacts and look further all the way through — around the insides of the pavilion or towards the interiors of the church. After the exhibition in Venice, the Paper Pavilion was moved to Lille.
Project name: Paper Pavilion in San Stae
Company name: Meganom
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Project location: Church of San Stae, Venice, Italy
Completion Year: 2008
Building area (m²): 38.4
Design team: Y. Grigoryan, P. Ivanchikov, I. Koulehsov, A. Pavlova; Y. Kuznezov, S. Rastorguev
Photo credits: Yuri Avvakumov
更新日期:2021-04-15 15:16:22
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