公司: | LOVE ARCHITECTURE INC. | 类型: | 建筑 |
地区: | 日本 | 标签: | 宗教空间 |
The project is to create a new cemetery in the corner of the precincts of Fumonji Temple, which was founded 1398 years ago in the western suburbs of Tokyo. The precincts of the site were narrow from north to south and completely divided into two parts: the north side, where the tomb site was located, and the south side, where the approach to the tomb site and the main hall were located. There is little vacant land, with only a few remaining at each of the north and south corners. Besides, the city’s ordinance makes it difficult to build a new cemetery, and the number of parishioners cannot be expected to increase any further. Under these conditions, we came up with a plan to link the two on the south and north ends of the precincts by building a small hall for a tree burial and Yokotsu hall, which temporarily takes care of the remains, on the premise of a tree burial in the garden.
▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial
The north side of the site of a 200-year-old Kannondo, which has been recognized as a tangible cultural asset of the city, is adjacent to the site. The original plan was to bury most of the buildings in the ground and turn the ground into a stone garden. The reason for this was to avoid placing the traditional Kannon-do, known as Zen-so-yo, side by side with the modern construction of the Kannon-do. But the ground is so hard that it’s difficult to excavate that far. As a result, the excavation was limited to less than one meter, and the consecrated hall was built alongside the Kannon-do. The concept of this was based on the ancient Japanese arrangement of Buddhist temples in which a retainer hall was placed in front of or next to the main hall, called the Narabido.
▽Narabido与正殿并排 Narabido is next to the main hall
但是,现代建筑和古建筑的风格、结构、属性很难匹配。因此,我决定尝试一种强烈的近似,将它们升华到背景中,包括它们之间的差异。具体来说,全方位立面的外墙用刮掉的石膏,屋顶用旧瓦片。这两种材料都是随着岁月的流逝而自然变化的。此外,外墙还采用了传统的木质建筑设计,称为 "袖口楼"。它的效果是让只有三层的建筑看起来像 "五层宝塔"。
However, it is difficult to match the style, structure, and attributes of modern and old buildings. Therefore, I decided to try a strong approximation and sublimate them to the background, including the differences between them. Specifically, the exterior walls of the all-around façade were finished with scraped off plaster, and the roof was roofed with old tiles. Both are materials that naturally change with age. Besides, the exterior wall is decorated with a traditional wooden architectural design, called a “Mokoshi.” It has the effect of making a building that is only three stories that look like a “five-story pagoda.”
▽采用“袖口楼”手法,使得三层的建筑看起来有五层 the "Mokoshi" makes the building look like a five-story pagoda
▽立面细节 Detail of the facade
The temple ossuary is a place where the remains are placed for a while until the tree burial. The floor is lowered about 85 cm below the ground level and a staircase enters the interior. We wanted to place a cypress log in the center of the room and use these pillars as a centerpiece to envelop the worshippers. At the midpoint of the wall, I opened a window and circled it on all sides. During the day, outside light comes in through the shoji doors and fills the chapel with soft light. In front of the window, a counter was set up for flower offerings, etc., and a lattice of urn shelves with doors was placed above it. Those who wish to do so may place some of their remains in an urn to be laid to rest in this place. The commandments will be inscribed on chestnut doors (which will eventually be filled with over 2,000 commandments). In continuity with this wall, the floor was tiled with tile. The ceiling beams were crossed just above the cypresses to give the space a centripetal feel.
▽中心木柱正好支撑于横梁交点,增添了空间庄严的氛围 Beams were crossed just above the cypresses to give the space a centripetal feeling
▽墙壁上的横窗为空间提供柔和的光线 outside light comes in through the shoji doors and fills the chapel with soft light
The remains of the deceased will be taken to the a combined grave located in the northernmost part of the precincts, and offered as a tree burial. It was necessary to consider the tomb’s visual effect as a joint enshrined tomb in conjunction with the approach that connects the north and south ends of the tomb with the small hall and the joint enshrined tomb, which are visible from the street outside.
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Also, unlike the more famous temples in KyotoandNara, most temples in Japanare financially based on the Danka system, with the size, color, and shape of the headstones varying for each Danka. The cemetery area lined with them can be said to be disorderly in design. The grave area occupies most of the temple’s precincts and has a significant influence on the appearance of the temple and the landscape as a whole. In this project, I decided to build a joint tomb, by inserting extremely ordered shapes and geometries, such as straight lines and triangles, into the disordered group of tombs.
▽在墓群中建造的等边三角形小亭 Small hall in the grave area
This small hall also needed to be approached in three directions: the conservatory, the back entrance to the temple, and the direction of worship at the time of the tree burial. Three walls of folded concrete with a striped pattern were erected at the top so that they would meet at the top. The interior is designed so that the wooden lattice is arranged vertically so that when looked up, the lines radiating down to the ground are connected at a point in the ceiling.
▽小厅外观 Exterior
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The simple geometric shape of the triangle, including the site, contrasts with the materials of concrete and wood, and the meandering approach to the tomb reveals a variety of expressions as you approach the tomb.
▽由远至近时的不同体验 A variety of expressions as you approach the tomb
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Neither the cemetery nor the grave, to put it another way, has any more function than a warehouse for the remains. When people visit a cemetery, they feel something more than that, perhaps due to religious forces such as ancestor worship. What I did as an architect was to use materials, geometry, and light to appeal to the worshippers’ sensory organs and to establish a sanctuary divided from the mundane. I have long wanted to create a design continuity in the landscape of Japanese temples, divided into cemeteries and monasteries due to the Danka above system. This work at thecemeteryofFumonji Hinojyuku Michinono Michi is one of the attempts.
▽夜景 Night Viewing
▽夜景 Night Viewing
Project name: Michinoboen in Fumonji
Contact e-mail:
Project location: 7-5-9, Honmachi, Hino-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Building area (m²)
・Small hall:24.78m2
Contruction :Kanamekenso
Structural designer: Denkoubou
Landscaping: N-tree
Photo credits: © 2019 Sadamu Saito
更新日期:2020-10-12 14:57:24
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