The project is based in the west of Ganlu Tea Factory in Moganshan Town, Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Ganlu tea factory is operated by two brothers who want to promote the local tea-picking industry by rebuilding the old house.
△ 建筑远眺,Surroundings
At the back of the old house, a bamboo forest extends to the north. There’s a tea field in the east and expansive mountains in front.
△ 区位图,Project location
The old house had been demolished and the site had been levelled by the owners when we first arrived. According to the restriction of local policies, the length, width and height of new buildings must be less than 12m, therefore, the new house is shaped like a cubic, isolated in a vacant lot.
△ 原始场地现状,Original site condition
The site is surrounded by different scenery and a variety of plants, so we wanted to re-plan it to produce diverse visual effects from different angles by making use of the surrounding metasequoia, tea fields, bamboo forest and distant mountains. Meanwhile, we’d like to redesign the inside paths of the building to make the different scenes properly appear in each window, just like an unfolding landscape when looking at it overall.
△ 分析图,Analysis
△ 当地用竹子支模,Using local bamboo to support the mold
△ 当地用竹子支模,Using local bamboo to support the mold
△ 建筑东立面,East facade
△ 建筑东立面,East facade
We extended the overhanging balcony to have an illusion of visual twisting, changing the rigid cubic shape restricted by construction conditions, moreover, construction difficulties and the cost has been reduced.
△ 建筑东立面,East facade
△ 建筑南立面,South facade
△ 建筑西立面,West facade
The windows are set to open in different ways, giving them various practical functions.
△ 建筑东立面夜景,Night view of the east façade
△ 公区接待台,Reception area
△ 公区餐厅,Restaurant
△ 民宿入口旋转门,B&B entrance revolving door
△ 公区客厅移动隔断,Movable partition in public area
△ 公区包厢,Private room in public area
△ 公区餐厅,Restaurant
△ 公区大堂,Lobby
△ 公区挑空楼梯,Empty staircase in the public area
△ 公区挑空楼梯,Empty staircase in the public area
△ 2楼南侧客房可变窗, Variable window in the first floor south side guest room
The function of the window is diversified by adding movable panels. It turns out to be a bar when the panels are turned up.
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△ 2楼南侧客房窗吧, Window bar in the first floor south side guest room
△ 三楼东南侧客房,Second floor southeast guest room
△ 三楼东南侧客房,Second floor southeast guest room
△ 三楼东南侧客房,Second floor southeast guest room
△ 三楼西南侧客房,Second floor southwest guest room
△ 三楼西南侧客房,Second floor southwest guest room
△ 西北侧loft客房,Northwest loft room
△ 西北侧loft客房,Northwest loft room
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△ 西北侧loft客房,Northwest loft room
We adjusted the size of the window openings and the slope of the ceiling according to the physical manual model of 1:15 to ensure that the sunlight can exactly enter the room.
△ 2楼泡池模型照片,First floor hot spring model photo
△ 2楼北侧泡池,First floor north side hot spring
△ 2楼北侧泡池,First floor north side hot spring
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△ 三楼户外中庭,Second floor outdoor atrium
On the second floor, the sunlight comes into the building through the outdoor atrium.
△ 户外泳池,Outdoor Pool
△ 户外泳池,Outdoor Pool
△ 户外泳池,Outdoor Pool
△ 钢结构与竹子连接节点,Steel structure and bamboo connection node
△ 泳池溢水口节点,Pool overflow node
△ 当地竹节构茶棚,Local bamboo structured tea pavilion
△ 房间门牌号,Door number
△ 窗吧节点,Window Barw
△ 公区走廊栏杆,Corridor railings in public areas
△ 公区楼梯踏步,Stair treads in public areas
△ 模型照片,Model photos
△ 模型照片,Model photos
△ 模型照片,Model photos
△ 模型照片,Model photos
△ 剖透视图,Section
△ 总平图,Site plan
△ 一层平面图,Ground floor plan
△ 二层平面图,First floor plan
△ 三层平面图,Second floor plan
△ 屋顶平面图,Roof plan
合作方: 南京半杯水建筑装饰工程有限公司(建筑门窗)
摄影师:大川又Mata Okawa
摄影师网站: https://www.mata-okawa.com/
Project Name: Moganshan MUZI Boutique Hotel
Project location: Nanlu village, Moganshan Town, Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Architecture Firm: SZ-ARCHITECTS
Lead Architects: Zhikun Zhang
Design Team: Xin Liang, Yue Liu, Hua Xu
Design period: 2020.08-2021.07
Land Area:140 Square meters
Gross Built Area: 432 Square meters
Architecture Firm: SZ-ARCHITECTS
Engineering: Dianlong Zhou (Architectural structure). Shanghai Sanyao Construction Engineering Design Co., Ltd. / LIAO Jianbo (Pool pergola structure)
Interior design: SZ-ARCHITECTS
Collaborators: Nanjing Banbeishui Construction & Decoration Engineering Co. (Architectural doors and windows)
Clients: MUZI Boutique Hotel
Material: Real stone paint, rough stone (building facade); real stone paint (interior wall); clay red tile (interior floor); birch wood panel (wood finish); 8mm steel reinforcement (stairs and balcony railing)
Photo credits: Mata Okawa
Photographer’s website: https://www.mata-okawa.com/
Photographer’s e-mail: info@mata-okawa.com
Contact Email:sz-architects@outlook.com
Wechat contact ID:M_OKok
更新日期:2022-11-10 11:23:05
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