“My feet may be stuck on earth,
But my mind is a realm of Eden;
The heaven’s wonder.”
‘Eden’ blurs the boundaries between man-made wonders and the beauty of nature. Opening up your senses to a world of delight and new sensations through a curated retail experience. ‘Eden’ is a celebration of natural elements, merging the lush greenery of the existing site-163 Retail Park with a wondrous landscape referenced from the mythical story of the ‘Garden of Eden’. Providing visitors with a refuge away from the hustle and bustle of daily life; as a space of solace and contemplation.
Step inside as ‘Eden’ invites you to re-discover how nature can be experienced by magnifying subtle details through its organic structures, transporting you to another world unlike anything you have encountered. An all-white landscape awaits as your senses are treated to the calm & serene environment, akin to being in the grounds of a mythical temple. A pathway covered with crystal-white pebbles leads you through an arched passageway inspired by Victorian-era steel conservatory structures. It’s light, skeletal structure is a nod to the architectural and engineering marvel of the ‘Crystal Palace’; a massive cast-iron structure built to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London.
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In ‘Eden’, the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts, as elements melt and merge together becoming a single growing structure. Here, the garden passageway gives form to hanging ‘vines’ hovering above the arches, imitating stalagmites in a cave. Where vertical and horizontal vines converge to form seating areas as if they were organically grown from ancient tree roots.
仔细观察,造访者将会发现玻璃珠巧妙地悬挂在悬挂藤蔓的尖端,如同雨后坠在叶尖的水滴,教堂般的空间是通过葡萄藤的不同高度在周围环境上投射出错综复杂的阴影来实现的。灵感来源于儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)为“地心之旅”(Journey to the Centre of the Earth)绘制的画作《伊甸园》(Eden)中的洞穴般的造型,也因此增强了旅途中的整体空间体验。
Upon closer observation, glass spheres can be seen delicately perched on the cusp of the hanging vines; echoing water droplets balancing on the edge of leaves after rain has subsided. A cathedral-like space is achieved with the varying heights of the vines casting an intricate play of shadow upon it’s surroundings. Jules Verne’s drawings for the ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ provided the inspiration for ‘Eden’s’ cavernous-like quality. Enhancing the overall spatial experience of the journey.
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‘Eden’ wishes to bring you to re-discover the joys of looking closer, to cause you to momentarily suspend your beliefs and become a child once again. To believe, if only for a moment, that you are actually in paradise.With that, we welcome you as you begin your journey into ‘Eden’.
Project Name: Eden
Company Name: Poh Sin Studio
Project principle: Pamela Tan
Principle use: Pavilion, spatial public art installation
Date of completion: November 2018 (Temporary installation)
Location: 163 Retail Park, Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Floor area: 1,685 ft2, 156.54 m2
Client: 163 Retail Park
Photography/photo credits: David Yeow
Profile info/contact
Website: http://pohsinstudio.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pohsin_studio/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamelatanpohsin/
Email: Pamelatan.pss@gmail.com
更新日期:2022-05-31 18:06:03
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