公司: | Ho Khue Architects (Alpes Green Design & Build) | 类型: | 建筑 |
地区: | 越南 | 标签: | 公寓 | 酒店 |
“空中花园”位于一个拥挤的沿海酒店区,靠近岘港最受欢迎的海滩。沿着一条小街走25米,它的诱人之处在于其现代化的绿色外观,如同一片绿洲,而附近的一切都大而平凡。它提供了一个宁静的自然体验,同时离喧嚣和旅行者所需的所有服务只有几步之遥。Ho Khue 建筑事务所 (ALPES Green Design & Build)的设计挑战是建造一个特别的、靠近但不在 "主干道 "上的、具有高度可见性和美丽的东西。
Babylon Garden is located in a crowded coastal hotel zone near the most popular beach in Danang. Set 25 meters down a small street; it is alluring due to its modern green appearance as an oasis while everything nearby is big and mundane. It offers a serene natural experience while only a few steps from the hustle and bustle and every service travelers require. The challenge of the design for Ho Khue Architects (ALPES Green Design & Build) was to build something special, close to, but off the “main drag” that was highly visible and beautiful.
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Babylon Garden’s location in the alley off Ha Bong was at first not favorable because the land is surrounded on 3 sides with old residential low-rise buildings. The solution by Ho Khue Architects (ALPES Green Design & Build) was to build high, include a combination of reflective glass, balconies, and plantings. It is natural among concrete. An oasis of allowing guests to experience the fresh sea air, green plants, and feel comfortable coming back to this natural hotel during the hot summer. The 6-storey hotel features 13 exquisitely appointed guest rooms that are efficient and the highest quality in every detail. There is a restaurant, a Koi Fish Lake Café surrounded by walls of plants, billiards, and a gym. Although more rooms were possible, we designed each room to be in a corner offering two views and great natural sea air ventilation for each room.
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The 1st floor and mezzanine has floor up plantings and vining plants hanging from the restaurant planters on the second floor. Specialized vertical planting cases are used to accomplish this beautiful effect. The frontal area is cramped by the alley, yet the view and feeling inside are expanded by the vertical plantings, Koi Lake, natural ventilation on the back wall, and very high ceiling. Everyone recognizes an unusual or soothing architectural landscape. We feel them unconsciously. Ho Khue Architects (ALPES) requires that our projects satisfy light and ventilation requirements in addition to creating landmark highrise buildings in urban spaces that elicit feelings.
每间卧室都连接着一个休闲阳台,阳台上种植着大量的树木和栏杆,随着楼层的变化,阳台的位置也在变化。建筑周围阳台的 "舞蹈 "为我们提供了一种不同寻常的美,我们感受到的是运动。设计团队希望建造伟大而坚固的建筑,同时注重使用者的情感。将树木和植物与天然石材和装饰混凝土相结合,有助于引起人们对建筑作为自然环境的积极看法。巴比伦花园是一个现代的悬空花园,它将人与自然联系在一起,离喧嚣的旅游区只有几步之遥。
Each bedroom is attached to a relaxing balcony that houses a large variety of trees and a balustrade, which changes its position with each floor. The “dancing" of the balconies around the building offers an unusual beauty we feel as motion. Ho Khue Architects (ALPES) wants to build great and strong buildings that also focus on the emotions of users. Incorporating trees and plants with natural stone and decorative concrete contribute to elicit a positive perception of the buildings as a natural environment. Babylon Garden is a modern hanging garden that connects people with nature, just steps from the hustle and bustle of the tourist area.
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▽一层平面图 First floor plan
▽一点五层平面图 Mezzanine floor plan
▽二、四层平面图 2nd-4th floor plan
▽三层平面图 Third floor plan
▽五层平面图 5th floor plan
▽立面图 Elevation
▽立面图 Elevation
▽剖面图 Section
▽剖面图 Section
Project name: Babylon Garden Condotel
Company name: Ho Khue Architects (Alpes Green Design & Build)
Contact e-mail:
Project location: Da Nang City
Completion Year: 2016
Building area (m²): 907 m2
Photo credits: Hiroyuki Oki
更新日期:2020-12-31 16:47:31
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