公司: | SoomeenHahm Design | 类型: | 景观 |
地区: | 加拿大 | 标签: | 文化空间 |
项目Augmented Grounds是2020年国际花园节的获奖竞赛作品。它是一个景观设计装置,位于加拿大魁北克省普林斯市的梅蒂斯花园,于2020年7月完成建设。设计灵感来自于传统的梅蒂斯人的衣带,方案在制作过程中独特地结合了技术,得到了大赛评委的高度评价。
Augmented Grounds is a winning competition entry of the International Garden Festival 2020. It is a landscape design installation, located in the Métis garden, Prince, Quebec, Canada, completed its construction in July 2020. The design is inspired by traditional Métis sash and the proposal uniquely combines technologies in its making process which was highly evaluated by the competition juries.
在COVID-19大流行的时间内,项目使用了AR技术和基于云计算的数字孪生通信平台得以建设完成。这个项目赞扬了设计者和制造商之间快速、直观的交流,利用数字化增强的人力,通过佩戴 AR镜头,在现场制作出精美的材料。与此同时,全球设计师团队能够通过基于云端的数字孪生建筑工程来回顾建筑过程,能够远距离、直观地监督建筑过程,并有效地把知识和指导传递给当地员工。这样,全球设计师和制造团队就可以在设计和建造过程中同时进行远程协作。
The project utilized Augmented Reality and cloud based digital twin communication platforms in order to realize the construction during the pandemic. The project celebrates the fast and intuitive communication between designer and maker, utilizing the digitally augmented human labours crafting the delicate material on site by wearing AR Lenses. At the same time, a globally assembled team of designers were able to review the construction process through a cloud based digital twin of the construction site, being able to intuitively supervise the construction process from far distance and pass on knowledge and guidance to local crews efficiently. This enabled the global team of designers and makers to be able to work together simultaneously in distance during the design and construction process.
这个装置也是对人类手工艺的赞美。我们选择使用五颜六色的绳索,灵感来自于传统梅蒂斯人衣袋的颜色和历史,项目Augmented Grounds花园将带领游客通过俏皮多彩的绳索展示地形,体现梅蒂斯人文化和身份的骄傲。在花园里,游客可以沿着色彩斑斓的绳索轮廓行走,可以在盘绕的座椅上坐卧,也可以在土丘和水池上奔跑起来。
The installation also celebrates human craftsmanship. We chose to use colourful rope inspired by the colours and history of the traditional Métis sash, the Augmented Grounds garden takes visitors through a playful and colourful rope display of topography that reflects the pride of Métis culture and identity. In the garden, visitors can walk along the colourful contours of ropes, sit and lie down on the coiled seating, or run up and down on the mounds and the pools.
这个园子是梅蒂斯人的文化骄傲和创新。梅蒂斯人的衣带是传统的指织艺术,披在肩上或系在腰间。Augmented Grounds花园通过由扭曲的纤维制成的彩色绳索来表现 "衣带",这些绳索紧密地铺设在地形之上,创造出一个轮廓分明的景观,反映出 "腰带 "上所代表的梅蒂斯人的不同历史深度。虽然装置的体验是高度模拟的,但这种地形地貌的建造过程通过引入使用增强现实的智能建造技术,为花园设计的新的创新实践做出了贡献。由于几何图形是基于数学算法生成的,在瑞福德花园美丽的森林包围下,传统的物质性和数学形式的结合为游客提供了一种独特的体验,让游客真正感受到人类、计算机与自然合作的产物。
This garden is the Métissage of cultural pride and innovation. The Métis sash is traditionally made with the art of finger weaving, and draped across one’s shoulder or tied around the waist. The Augmented Grounds garden represents the Sash through colourful ropes made of twisted fibres that are tightly laid on top of the terrain to create a landscape of contours that reflects the different depths of Métis history represented on the sash. While the experience of the installation being highly analogue, the construction process of this topographic terrain contributes to a new innovative practice of garden design by introducing smart construction technology using augmented reality. As the geometry is generated based on a mathematical algorithm, the combination of traditional materiality and mathematical form surrounded by the beautiful forest of Reford Garden provides a unique experience for visitors to truly experience the product of collaboration between human, computer & nature.
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Project Name: Augmented Grounds
Design: Soomeen Hahm (SoomeenHahm Design Ltd / SCI-Arc) Yumi Lee (Seoul National University) JaeHeon Jung (KOH SX Studio Inc.)
Co-project Leader: Hanjun Kim (SoomeenHahm Design Ltd)
Local Construction Team: Marie-Eve Brais (Leading construction member), Justine Valois, Marion Sellier, François Leblanc (Site Organizer)
Photography: JC Lemay, Martin Bond, Marie Eve Brais
Video Link:
Video Credits: Hanjun Kim,Marie Eve Brais
VR/AR/XR Remote Construction System Development: KOH SX Studio Inc., SLZ Inc.
Student Collaborators: Jiin Jeong (SCI-Arc B.Arch), YooMin Jeong (SNU Evolving Landscape Lab), Christine Lee (SNU Evolving Landscape Lab), Jeong-Hwan Lee (SNU Evolving Landscape Lab), Sejun Oh (SNU Evolving Landscape Lab), ZaiXian Piao (SNU Evolving Landscape Lab), Gi-Hwan Yook (SNU Evolving Landscape Lab)
Digital twin:
Concept design by 2019.12.
Construction finished on 2020.07.09
Location: Les Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens, Grand-Métis, Quebec, Canada
Size:: 12m x 12m, 112 m2
更新日期:2020-10-23 16:15:31
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